
10 Must-Have Habits For Defence Aspirant

By Mausami Sharma

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As rightly said by Jim Ryun Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going. Habit has a very significant role in our life.  The way we spend our day that it is that we indulge in the way we talked and the way we and our day all frame the fruits of our future. Debate on the sweetness of the fruit depends on the kind of habits we inculcate in ourselves.  As a defence aspirant, many positive habits must be inbuilt earlier Because these habits are expected in the defence services as well.  So what are these good habits? Let’s talk about 10 good habits every defence aspirant must have. 

  1. Say yes to Positive perspectives

There is a huge importance of positive perspective in the life of defences aspirants. There are many times that the sprint may feel low due to extra pressure of studies and preparation, but having a positive perspective towards the situation can help the candidate in overcoming any kind of pressure or problem. A positive perspective gives birth to a positive attitude, and a positive attitude helps any person to crack down or handle any issue very easily. Additionally, a negative mind cultivates negative results, so the candidates must have a positive mindset towards their preparation. Hence, it is the first of the ten good habits that the aspirants must-have. 

  1. Self-discipline is the key 

 Being a  defence aspirant, the candidates must have the quality of self-discipline built in them.  It is a simple fact that no one is coming to rescue you from your concerns, and it is only you who will have to deal with the difficulties that you might face every day.  Discipline creates Momentum, and Momentum is more necessary than motivation when it comes to achieving any goal.

Discipline is the resistance to distraction that comes in the path of the goals and personality. To achieve something the aim in life, the candidate must have to resist distractions and activities that waste time.  Self-discipline is one of the important characteristics that should be present in a defence aspirant.

  1. Read a book daily!

Books can take the mind to different places by giving the highest degree of imagination. Reading books changes perspectives widens them positively, expands critical and problem-solving skills. It also increases vocabulary, which will help the defence aspirants in the various defence exams. Reading the book increases the logic area of the reader, which can help the defence aspirants to crack the defence interview round easily. And apart from its benefits that can be utilized in Defence exams, reading books is considered to be a great practice to increase knowledge and values. Defence aspirants should read at least 2 pages of a book every day. 

  1. Maintain a Diary 

Diary writing is done by the majority of influential and noted people around the globe. Not every person who maintains a diary is great, but the majority of the great person maintains a diary. 

Diary writing provides a chance for self retrospection. And self retrospection is necessary for removing the bad habits and activities that hinder personal growth. A defence aspirant must be aware of their flaws because being aware give rise to a probability of correcting the flaws. Diary writing helps the writer to get to know their flaws very well. So, diary writing is a good habit that must be inculcated by every defence aspirant.

  1. Give thought to Time management

The topic of time management sounds very universal and clear. Still, it is one of the most uncommon and good habits that is nowhere seen in the lives of people. Time management creates a schedule that helps the person to manage their daily activities effectively. As a defence aspirant, the candidate must learn time management as many times in the service, they might be bombarded with many activities at the same time. To deal with it, they should prepare themselves from an early time. 

Also, the preparation of the defence exams is quite lengthy and time taking. All the topics and subjects must be given equal time and priority. And this can be done successfully by time management skills. 

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  1. Punctuality earns respect 

Punctuality is not a common trait among people. Being punctual requires self-discipline and time management skills. Every defence personnel is always punctual and on time. This trait is one of the many traits that make defence personnel distinct from the ordinary man. 

As a defence aspirant, you must cultivate the values of punctuality in yourself. The defence aspirants should learn self-discipline and time management because punctuality is the by-product of these two basic values. By learning to be punctual earlier., defence aspirants would be making themselves ready for the military discipline once they get selected.

  1. Waking up early!

 Staying up late and waking up late in the morning just burns out the energy of the body. It further decreases the productivity and energy levels of the human body. There is no point in waking up late as it wastes a certain amount of time which can be utilized in the context of preparations for the defence exams or in some other productive activities.

And also, morning is considered as the best time to revise the already studied content.

 Waking up early provides extra time to the person and can be utilized by doing exercises, meditation or even burning calories by going for a simple walk.  After all, fitness is also important for any defence aspirant.

  1. A fit body is vital 

A fit body produces a fit mind and good thoughts, and they eventually produce better results. Health and fitness are influential characteristics of the life of a defence aspirant. It boosts respiratory, cardiovascular, and general wellness. Maintaining a healthy weight, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various malignancies can all be aided by staying active. 

Fitness is necessary for a healthy functioning mind. Physical fitness, especially as you get into defence forces, can minimize your risk of and resilience to accidental accidents. So, put fitness on the list of your good habits.

  1. Be a great communicator 

Communication is a form of transferring information from one end to another. All defence personnel are very polite and great communicators. This makes them unique in a house full of people from various backgrounds. 

A great communicator engages the people and awestruck them with his/her communication skills. And also, defence personnel work in grassroots areas, so communicating with the local people is a vital part of the defence service. As a defence aspirant, you must develop communication skills, as they will help in the defence service days. 

  1.  Have manners and etiquettes 

Having manners and etiquette is just not only for defence aspirants or defence personnel, instead, but this is also a universal moral rule for every person from every background. Although, in the case of defence services, there are certainly more manners and etiquette rules that must be followed. The defence aspirants should learn and behave in the right manner before the people. Right actions at right time with the right attitude is very vital for the defence aspirants. Having good manners helps the person in gaining respect from everyone. 



We have discussed 10 good habits that every defence aspirant should have. Inculcating these habits will make a defence aspirant suitable for the difference of basis and also a good human being, which is much more important. Habits like waking up early maintaining a diary being fit, all directly or indirectly affect the productivity the attitude and perspective of the defence aspirants.  These habits are hard to cultivate, but once done, this Will Forever help defence aspirants in achieving many goals in life. 

Mausami Sharma

Intern at SSBCrackExams. An avid reader, UPSC aspirant and a curious defence aircraft researcher. Pursuing my Interest in global politics and diplomatic studies.

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