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Written ExamsNDA Exam10 Best Reasons For Girls To Join NDA After 12th

10 Best Reasons For Girls To Join NDA After 12th

A gazetted officer job at such a young age with the finest soldiers under your command, ready to be in action on your command.

Jai Hind future warriors, this blog hopes to give motivation to the female aspirants of NDA who will be a bit feared after seeing the huge syllabus of the exam and low selection ratio in the SSB. Please read it only as a motivational post, not an iron pillar for preparing your SSB answers.

  1. You must have seen that the number of seats are very less, and I really mean it, they are literally very less, and we can’t do anything about it rather than accepting the fact. 20 girls will surely reach the hallowed portals of the NDA, so don’t waste your time on expecting the seats to increase or following some news related to it. Rather see that out of those 20 seats, I would work hard enough to get my place fixed.
  2. NDA is the first tri-services academy in the world and its prestige is respected all over the world with many friendly countries sending their best cadets to train here. Quick Fact: The mess of NDA is biggest in Asia.
  3. Minimum 40 Lakhs is the price for learning flying in India, and NDA + AFA gives you the option to fly the best of the birds and that too at zero cost to you. I don’t see any problem here, do you?
  4. Job Security: I really didn’t want to bring this, but it’s the truth, once you join the academy, you are almost sure to become an officer (barring any medical issues). A gazetted officer job at such a young age with the finest soldiers under your command, ready to be in action on your command: this is the stuff dreams are made up of.
  5. Pay and Allowances:
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There are many allowances, I won’t waste your time here to read them one by one because there are too much of them, would be good to directly earn them. It is true that the amount of hard-work and sacrifice our soldiers put, they are not adequately paid, if you compare it with IT professionals but remember what India’s first Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw said:

“You won’t be rich! You won’t have wealth, But you will have something much better, Respect in a professional army. You will be respected wherever you go” – Speech at IMA PoP,2002

6. Somethings can’t be bought they are earned, you must have seen people from all walks of life staring in awe of any army vehicle passing through many times saluting it. As soon as an officers dons his uniform he earns the respect of all the 121 crore people of this nation, something no other job can. Your family’s social status gets upgraded as soon as you join NDA, with people getting inspired from you as everyone loves it when someone from their colony/city joins such a big institution.

7. The forces take care of the families of their soldiers, from canteen facilities to free medical care in the Military Hospitals to providing for best education of their children, everything is taken care of.

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8. At NDA, three years of training(+1 at respective service academies)  churn out the best officers. It’s not that graduate entries are any less, but there’s a reason all the service chiefs are ex-NDAs.

9. Finally the academy, the ton of activities and skills you get to learn, added with a huge variety of sports which would have otherwise costed you lakhs are all paid for by the Indian Government.

10 While writing this blog I was astounding reasons and asked my mates for reasons on why not to join NDA and I couldn’t find one(unless medical reasons), so that really sums it up.

How to prepare for the NDA Exam?


Maybe your reason for joining NDA is different than the ones listed above, but whatever they may be, you have to stay motivated it’s a hard journey, not an impossible one. It’s my request not to waste time on watching motivational videos depicting activities at NDA or those reels, rather focus on working hard to live them one day.

Jai Hind

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Ashish Tiwari
Ashish Tiwari
Intern at SSBCrackExams. Maths Undergrad and Defence Aspirant, been to SSB 4 times for NDA Entry. Enjoy reading novels and playing cricket

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