List of Selected Candidates to join AFA for training for various courses commencing in Jan 22 is placed at Annexure ‘A’. To meet vacancies in various branches, allotment has been made taking into consideration Eligibility, Order of Merit, Medical Fitness and choices given by the candidates.
Please note that the selection is subject to Medical Fitness as given by the competent Armed Forces Medical Authorities and on Submission of Requisite Documents as proof of having achieved the minimum educational qualifications for the course, besides other qualifications.
Call Letters would be dispatched by Speed Post to the address / Scanned copy through Mail to E-mail ID available on record. Instruction Booklet with format of various forms is available for download at the Air Force career website.
Non-Possession of Qualifying Degree. For eligible candidates who had not submitted the requisite certificates by 10 Jan 22, the following procedure will be applicable for issue of Call Letters:
- Eligible candidates in the Selection List, who do not produce the requisite proof of acquiring the qualifying degree by 10 Jan 22 but are confident of doing so, may seek entry on ‘Bond Basis’. Call Letters (Bond Basis) is being dispatched to the address available on record.
- Such candidates would be provisionally inducted for training on submission of an additional Bond and a demand draft Rs.52509/- (Rupees fifty two thousand five hundred and nine only) in favour of Commandant, Air Force Academy, payable at Secunderabad. Specimen copy of the Bond is available on the Instruction Booklet on website.
- The Additional Bond and Demand Draft are NOT (R) NOT to be sent to Air HQ. They are to be carried along by the candidate and handed over at the time of reporting at AFA