UPSC has published the list of candidates who got recommended in NDA 2 2020 SSB interviews. The list consists of marks scored by all the recommended candidates in SSB interview and NDA written exam. In this article, you can find the marks of NDA toppers from NDA II 2020.
NDA Toppers Marks
Name | Written Marks | SSB Marks | Total |
ADITYA SINGH RANA | 619/900 | 497/900 | 1116/1800 |
NAKUL SAXENA | 697/900 | 380/900 | 1077/1800 |
DEVEN NAMDEO SHINDE | 634/900 | 437/900 | 1071/1800 |
The last recommended candidate in NDA 2 2020 scored 358 marks in written exam, 361 marks in SSB interview and 719 marks in total.
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