The 4th edition of Joint Training ‘Exercise Ekatah’ between Indian Navy Marine Commandos IN MARCOS & MNDF Marines was carried out at MNDF CTC over a span of 12 days wherein participants were trained in aspects of Special Ops, Combat Diving, & the interoperability of the forces. The joint training exercise was carried out over a span of 12 days wherein participants were trained in aspects of Special Ops & Combat Diving
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Closing Ceremony of the 4th ed of Exercise Ekatah held on 10 Jul 21 at the Maldives, attended by VAdm AK Chawla, FOCINC Southern Naval Command and SNC, Mr. Sunjay Sudhir, High Commissioner, and Maj General Abdulla Shamaal, Chief of Defence Force.
Pleased to attend the closing ceremony of the 4th edition of Exercise Ekatha with the Indian Navy Marine Commandos. Said “Maj General Abdulla Shamaal, Chief of Defence Force.”
Honored to have Vice Admiral A. K. Chawla as the guest of honor. High Commissioner H.E. Sunjay Sudhir also graced the occasion. Privileged to receive Vice Admiral A K Chawla, Flag Officer C-in-C, Southern Naval Command. We deliberated on enhancing maritime security cooperation & other key areas of military cooperation. Thankful for the continued support rendered to MNDF by the Indian Armed Forces said “Maj General Abdulla Shamaal, Chief of Defence Force.”

This joint training series with the IN MARCOS is held annually since 2017 & contributes to the capacity building of the MNDF Marines & enhances the interoperability of the forces.