Indian Coast guard is going to publish the Navik and Yantrik notification on 02 July 2021. Online applications are invited from MALE INDIAN CITIZENS possessing educational qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch) and Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union.
Educational Qualification
- Navik (General Duty). 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).
- Navik (General Duty). 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).
- Yantrik. 10th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE)” and “Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 03 or 04 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)”. or “10th& 12th class passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE)”AND“Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 02 or 03 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)”.

List of equivalent diploma for recruitment in Yantrik cadre in Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering (Engg) branch as mentioned below :

Navik (GD) and Yantrik. Born between 01 Feb 2000 to 31 Jan 2004 (both dates inclusive).
Navik (GD) and Yantrik. Born between 01 Feb 2000 to 31 Jan 2004 (both dates inclusive).
Note:- Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (non-creamy) candidates is applicable only if posts are reserved for them.
Vacancy: The number of post for category wise recruitment are as follows:

Selection Procedure: The selection of recruits is based on an all India order of merit on their performance in Stage-I, II, III & IV (explained in detail below) and the number of vacancies available for the post. Clearing of Stage-I, II, III, IV and satisfactory performance in training is compulsory for recruitment in ICG. All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to biometric, photo identification and document verification during stage-I, II, III & IV of the selection procedure. The details of various stages are as follows:
Stage- I –Written Examination:

Stage-II: Based on the performance in the Computer Based Online Examination, a merit list will be prepared and e-admit card for stage-II will be issued as per the vacancies available and ratio decided by ICG. If the candidate is shortlisted for stage-II then he will be required to upload additional documents as mentioned at Para 6 (c) (iv) & Para 6 (c) (v). E-admit card for stage-II will not be generated till the additional documents are uploaded by the candidates within a time period as mentioned on ICG website. The duration of Stage – II will be from 1 to 2 days. Stage-II involves following test which are only qualifying in nature i.e. either Pass or Fail:
Physical Fitness Test (Pass/Fail): Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sport rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser etc). The PFT consists of:-
- (aa) 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
- (ab) 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak).
- (ac) 10 Push-up.
(ii) Document Verification (Pass/Fail). All the information provided in the online application has to match with all the original documents like grade X/XII/ Diploma mark sheet/photo Identity card/caste certificate/individual subject and aggregate marks. Any inconsistency in all the documents and application with respect to “name, date of birth, parent‟s name, percentage of marks, validity of documents, caste certificate details etc.” will lead to failure in document verification and the candidature will be cancelled. The date of issue of all documents has to be the closing date of application or any date prior to closing date of application. The validity of all the uploaded documents has to be at least up to 30 Apr 22.In case of any mismatch of information provided in the application form, document uploaded (at online application stage-I and II) and original documents produced for physical verificationat Stage-II than the candidature will be cancelled.
(iii) Initial Medicals Examination (Pass/Fail). The medical officer may put the candidates as permanently unfit or temporarily unfit. The candidate can appeal on the finding of the initial medical examination. The appeal medical to be completed “within 21 days if permanently unfit” or “within 42 days if temporarily unfit” after completion of initial medicals. No further review/appeal is permissible if declared unfit/fail in appeal medicals. No other Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a military hospital is admissible during appeal medical. The validity of initial medical is only upto 6 months. The candidate will be required to undergo another initial medical examination if the recruitment process is delayed due to any unforeseen event like COVID pandemic or any other circumstances.
How to Apply: (a) Applications will be accepted ‘Online only’ from 02 Jul 21(1000 hrs) TO 16 Jul 21(1800 hrs). Candidates are to logon to and follow the instructions for registering yourself with e-mail ID/mobile number. The candidates are to ensure validity of e-mail and mobile number at least up to 30 Jun 2022.
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