The Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun is holding its passing out parade on Saturday. According to reports, 341 Indian Gentleman Cadets and 84 foreign Gentleman Cadets are attending the passing out parade. Foreign Gentleman Cadets from over nine countries are attending the IMA Passing Out Parade. Owing to the COVID-19 restrictions, the guardians of the cadets were not allowed to participate in the parade.
The Reviewing Officer presented the following awards:-
- The coveted Sword of Honour was awarded to Battalion Under Officer Mukesh Kumar.
- Gold Medal for the Gentleman Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit was awarded to Academy Under Officer Deepak Singh.
- Silver Medal for the Gentleman Cadet standing Second in the Order of Merit was awarded to Battalion Under Officer Mukesh Kumar.
- Bronze Medal for the Gentleman Cadet standing Third in the Order of Merit was awarded to Academy Cadet Adjutant Loveneet Singh.
- Silver Medal for the Gentleman Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit from Technical Graduate Course was awarded to Junior Under Officer Daksh Kumar Pant.
- Silver Medal for the Gentleman Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit from Foreign GCs was presented to Junior Under Officer Kinley Norbu.
- Chief of Army Staff Banner for standing Overall First amongst 16 Companies for the Spring Term 2021was awarded to Dograi Coy.
While being conducted in a scaled down format on account of prevailing COVID conditions, the Passing Out Parade retained its ceremonial grandeur. The Parade was earlier preceded by a solemn wreath laying ceremony at the Academy War Memorial in which the Academy remembered its 889 Bravehearts who made the supreme sacrifice in service of the Nation through the years. All trainees committed themselves to follow the same path of bravery and selfless courage.
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