
Cracked SSB Interview from SSB Bhopal In 2nd Attempt

By SSBCrack

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Hello! I am Bhavdeep Singh Rathore. I got recommended for NDA-145 on 26/12/2020 from 22 SSB BHOPAL! And here’s my journey. It took my 2 attempts to get recommend! 1st one in Feb 2019 where I got screened out from 11 SSB. Well, let’s not go down that road.

I reported on 22nd of December in the morning and my screening was on the same day. 52 of us reported on the first day and 18 of us made it after screening. After screening, they gave us the new chest nos. (I was 6)and did a COVID test and we were all negative. Later PIQ forms were given(3 copies) and we were asked to come at 5 for document verification. Next day psychology tests began at 7.

I completed all the 12 TATs and was satisfied with it. Then came WATs, and I messed up WATs… I wasn’t able to cope with the speed! SRTs were good as I did 52 and wrote good responses… SD again wasn’t satisfactory as I could not complete it. Most of us had Interviewed on the same day itself. My interview was with Board President. 2 persons were there in my interview (one must be trainee). My interview was longest in the group… It went on for 1hour and 20 minutes. Everyone else’s was 40 minutes. He tried to put me in a lot of pressure. He made me doubt myself a lot of time but I was confident throughout. I didn’t know a lot of answers related to Army so I simply said: “Sorry Sir, I am not aware of it“. He asked 3 rapid fires (15 questions at once).


The overall interview went well! Then came GTO tasks the next day. We had 6 tasks on Day 1 itself… It began with GD-1 where we chose the topic on FARMER’S AGITATION and then GD2 had a topic on COVID19’s impact. I did well in GD, Everyone listened when I spoke. And same was the case in GPE. I gave a few good ideas in PGT(our group was of 9 freshers). HGT also went smooth. Then we had our IO in which I did 10 and repeated 2. Group Obstacle Race was the most fun! We couldn’t win but really enjoyed ourselves. ( A tip for GOR and IO- Don’t hesitate to jump from anywhere! ). Next day we had Lecturette… I spoke on E-COMMUNICATION. I finished off in 2.5 minutes just when the first bell rang. But I spoke clearly and addressed everyone. (Tip- Never look towards the Assessors, never ever).


My CT was difficult and GTO tried to put a lot pressure on me… he asked me to do the task from all possible options. I was able to do it from every structure. And I was called by 4 people as subordinate (He noted down everything). Overall GTO was great! Then came the Conference day! I was called in and my conference lasted less then 2 minutes. Just a couple of questions on how was the stay and stuff. I thought I didn’t make it at that time because the other 2 who got recommended with me they had a couple more questions in the conference. But then psychologist came and anounced results. He asked us to guess who made it. And that supence was killing. Then one fresher said Chest no. 6 and he said “Ok then Chest no 6 welcome” and I did not realise what just happened he said Chest no. 6 And boom that was it… I made it! That feeling was surreal. Can’t explain. 3 of us were recommended! I was the only fresher. One was previously recommended and the other one was repeater.

oir test and ppdt

This was my experience at the SSB! I would like to thank every batchmate of ENDA-42578! you were great guys you made everything unforgettable! And every moron who stayed with us for medicals! (There were 14 of us). Medicals were so much fun but let’s keep that a secret!


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