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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCleared NDA Written In Last And SSB Interview In My First Attempt

Cleared NDA Written In Last And SSB Interview In My First Attempt


Hello everybody, I am Pranav Pareek and I have been recommended by 17 SSB, bangalore in my first attempt for the National Defence Academy. I have always been interested to join the Army and in class 11th I started my preparation to join the prestigious National Defence Academy, by reading the experiences of recommended candidates on SSBCrack, it also helped me to get to know about the complete procedure of the SSB. I gave my 1st attempt for NDA written in September, 2018, but I couldn’t clear it and due to that I also couldn’t focus on my 12th due to which I scored 64% in my class 12th , then I gave NDA 1 2019 which I could not clear and in that my Twin brother got selected , then I gave NDA 2 2019 in which I scored 340 and could not clear it just by 5 marks and I was heartbroken but I introspected and worked on my weakness and once my brother video called me from NDA and seeing him in the NDA blazer gave me a boost and I worked harder than ever and Finally I was able to clear NDA 1 2020 . Thankfully I have my Tuition teacher Mr V.P.Sharma as he taught me to have FAITH in myself for my dream and although I could not score good in my 12th but he changed my Attitude in the 2 years that I went to him and that eventually helped me in my SSB . to all the aspirants out there I would just like to say that always have faith in yourself. Now I will share my 5 day experience:



Being NDA entry and due to covid the no. of candidates were just 34 Our reporting was on the same day due to covid Our documentation was done and the instructor briefed us about the tests and then we all were taken to a hall where our OIR took place there were 100 ques and limited time they were not too tough but not too easy . I did 98 of them then we were shown a picture an our PPDT test was done . After that we were divided in 2 grps of freshers and repeaters our GD went well we came to a common ground and it went just for 2 min or less which I think is enough time I spoke 7-8 times in that then the tech officer came and started announcing the chest no. which were selected . I was pretty sure I will make it and I did . Total 20 candidates were screened in . then we filled all the forms and by the end of the day all of us were friends.


On 2nd day all of us 20 candidates reported in the hall and were again briefed about the tests. Our first test was TAT in which I made simple stories with a problem and how the hero solves it. After that I did all 60 WATs and 51 SRTs and wrote a precise and crisp SD. For Psych I think just be yourself and make stories related to you or the situations you have seen or been in . Then as I was chest no. 4 I had my PI on same day , in my PI there were two assessor one was in front of me the main interviewing officer and other on the side who was actually the Deputy Commandant , My PI went for around 50 min to 1 hr  It mostly revolved around my PIQ form and my personal life and instances , I was also asked everything about the ARMY literally everything I think that’s because my father is an officer in the Indian Army . He also asked me questions related to geography and current affairs and I answered all of them , Then he asked me questions of Mathematic and Economics which some I answered but could not answer many of them but I was confident at all times and answered with firm voice . I think in PI just be confident and true and speak only what is necessary and think before speaking don’t just blabber anything that comes to your mind . In all I was not able to answer 7-8 questions and yet I was confident.



All of us reported in the gto ground at 0630hrs and waited there for the assesors, then we were divided in 2 groups of 10 each and 1st we had our both the GDs (if u have good knowledge of current affairs and presence of mind then these topics are easy), after that we had GPE and then came the Group Obstacle Race or the Snake Race which for me is the best test of SSB our group came 1st ( The other group guys won’t agree but it’s the truth) then we had our PGT in that we could only get to 3rd obstacle in PGT cooperate with the group and give logical ideas . then came our HGT in which I gave many ideas which were successfully implemented


On the 4th our GTO started with IO I did 11 obstacles. Then came the lecturette we were given choice between four topics to speak and approx. 3 min time to prepare then speak for 3 min in those topics 2 were moderate one was difficult and somewhat related to current affairs and one was too easy ,I spoke on one of the moderate topic, just be confident and speak loud and clear .. After that was our CT in which mine was of moderate difficulty and I was called 4 times as subordinate , in CT give your best. FGT was very easy and was completed within minutes. In GTO just listen to instructions carefully and give your best


My conference was over in seconds as I was just asked general questions like my stay and the they asked me to rate all my test and then the Deputy Commandant asked me to give him advice for SSB in 30 sec which I did . Then after our conference was done we were all seated in the hall and then the TECH OFFICER came and started announcing the results …. 18 ,14 ,12,10,7 and then finally 4 and I was overwhelmed with joy .

Finally, I would like to say that when u go there just chill, don’t worry about ur performance, enjoy the experience as it’s a once in a lifetime experience and do your best in every task so that you don’t regret later.

I thank my Parents , Friends and Family for always believing in me and motivating me at all times . Finally I would like to say to all the aspirants out there , If you really have a dream just keep following it no matter what and the Universe will take you to it.

If u have any doubts or need help or advice you can DM me on Instagram my ID   ”Pranav.Pareek” .

Thankyou SSBCRACK.

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