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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended From 31 SSB Kapurthala For IMA In My 4th Attempt

Recommended From 31 SSB Kapurthala For IMA In My 4th Attempt

गिरते हैं शहसवार ही मैदान-ए-जंग में, वो तिफ्ल क्या गिरे जो घुटनों के बल चले। HELLO everyone! I’m Vaibhav got recommended from 31 SSB Kapurthala for IMA in my 4th attempt. “LT Vaibhav Sharma here”, that’s how I fantasized to address my parents on call post recommendation, after consecutively 3 times replying ‘Nhi hua’ and eventually the D-Day came on 9th Oct. DSO sir came with the result and I was the only one to get recommended, the first thing which I said to myself YES I’ve it in me, and cried tears of joy.


The journey wasn’t piece of cake for me, as coming from a small town and pure civilian background, you’re already placed at the last in the race. I did best with what I had without worrying about what I didn’t have, as our capabilities are beyond our limitations. I started focusing on myself, my preparation, and refinement.

I was clear about my goal and what I want from my life and didn’t let anything or anyone come b/w me and my goal. Got conference out continuously 3 times but didn’t lose hope, as getting a recommendation became my need in the way as other imp activities of life.

Passion, perseverance, preparation level, focus and commitment are what differentiate non-recommended from recommended. Everyone wants to become a GC by joining the armed forces but nobody wants to be a gentleman first. So gave my best to become what I want and start refining & upgrading myself daily.


Consistency is the name of the road to improvement. I set daily targets and achieved them at the end of the day, it helped me in gradual improvement. Gave my most, in all the things that I used to do.

On daily basis, started saying to myself- I’m going to get recommended. Wrote it there infront of my study table stored it in my subconscious and was optimistic in my approach towards life.


Once you train your subconscious mind, you will be unconsciously driven by that. What I think SSB is a test to test yourself by yourself. It wants to know whom do you see in the mirror when you are in front of the mirror. So keep working on yourself.

For PPDT I made a group and practiced there & for OIR I did booklets of SSBCrack and they proved to be enough.

The psychology test is the trickiest test where many aspirants get trapped. Practice, gaining social experience and a bit of mind acceleration can make the task easier. For TAT I wrote 4 stories on each picture to enhance my imagination and also daily practiced a few WATs & SRTs.

For Interview I precisely prepared every minute detail from my PIQ and what I want to advice is connect with your IO, breath deeply throughout the interview, be specific n clear in your answers & it’s always better to say I don’t know sir, rather than becoming a buffoon there.

oir test and ppdt

For GTO part, I summarized all the current and social issues to have good hold in GD and lecturette and my advice for this part is to develop rapport with your group members, contribute rather than competing and keep your eyes & ears open throughout all the tasks. 

Raise your standard, every test in SSB demands an upgraded version of You. Work for the selection and selection will work for you and OLQs are inborn in everyone, you just need to present them.

Why do you want to join Indian Army? There must be a purpose which would be driving you, and when you find it, you’ll discover the driving force which won’t let you to get off the track.

I’ll just say, do it for that IT.. Do you have IT in you??

Jai hind.


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