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Written ExamsNDA ExamNDA 2 2020 Question Papers

NDA 2 2020 Question Papers [ORIGINAL]

NDA II 2020 Question Papers [ORIGINAL] Answer Key | Solutions | PDF | Cut off. NDA 2 2020 exam was conducted by UPSC on 6th Sep 2020 at many exam centres across the country, many candidates have attempted the exam successfully and now they are waiting for the NDA 2 2020 result. Candidates who will clear the NDA exam will be facing SSB interview at one of the SSBs. According to many aspirants or say for the first time candidates were saying the NDA 2 2020 question papers be it Maths or GAT both were easy but lengthy. Below we are publishing the correct answer keys and question paper prepared by SSBCrackExams.


NDA 2 2020 Written Examination

PaperSubjectDurationMaximum Marks
IMathematics2.5 hours300
IIGeneral Ability Test2.5 hours600
Total900 marks

NDA 2 2020 General Ability Test 

PartSubjectMaximum Marks
Part AEnglish200
Part BGeneral Knowledge400

NDA 2 2020 Paper Pattern: Subject-wise distribution of marks

5.General Science48
6.History, Freedom Movement, etc.44
8.Current Events40

NDA 2 2020 Maths Question Paper Analysis

Going through topic wise analysis of questions we can deduce that the Trigonometry topic covered highest ever count, i.e. 25 questions out of 120 questions that’s approx. 22% of the paper, including most of the questions on Trigonometric Ratios varying between easy to moderate level of difficulty. And in comparison, with previous NDA 2 2019 paper, Algebra covered less part of the paper, it consisted of 25 questions which are minimum number of questions on Algebra as expected. This paper has easy to moderate level questions on Functions, complex numbers, Quadratic equations, Binomial expansions and Logarithms, etc. Commenting on Matrices and Determinants, the weightage was good, 8 questions which are higher than NDA 2 2019 paper. The Coordinate geometry/systems and Straight lines topics covered good number of questions out of 10 questions of Coordinate Geometry-2D. Paper maintained usual trend of 1-1 question each on Circle/Parabola/Ellipse.

Commenting on Analytical Geometry-3D, it has maintained equal number of questions on Line and Plane and 1 question on Sphere. Integral calculus and Differential Calculus followed approximately 22 questions together out of which good number of questions were on Limits, Derivatives, integral calculus and Differential equations. Level of these questions was easy to Moderate. Vector as usual covered approx. 4% of the question paper, i.e. 5 questions out of 120 which were as per the trends, demanding basic knowledge about this topic including all the subtopics. Statistics and Probability consisted of 20 questions altogether. Statistics required the conceptual knowledge about Central measures of tendencies and important formulas. Whereas the level of questions on this topic was average.


So, basically the students who have prepared well for Trigonometry, Algebra, Statistics & Probability, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, 2d geometry were in advantage. In particular, after analyzing this paper, we can conclude that NDA is expecting more knowledge about Trigonometry, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics& Probability. Here is the Overall topic wise analysis of NDA Mathematics 2020.

NDA 2 2020 English Question Paper Analysis

The English section consisted of the total 200 marks with 10 questions for each of the five sections, namely, Spotting Errors, Antonyms, Synonyms, Ordering of Words in a Sentence and Fill in the Blanks. Following are in detail graphical representation of the NDA English Section analysis.

The uniqueness for this years’ NDA 1 & 2 Exams was the number of sections which were only 5 in number. In previous years, the number of sections were more than this year. In NDA 1 & 2 2020 Exams, no questions came from the topics like Idioms & Phrases, Ordering of Sentences, Cloze Test and Comprehension. Another major surprise for NDA 1 & 2 2020 exams was the new naming of the section for ‘Fill in the Blanks’ as ‘Preposition’. While many may get confused, though the question pattern for this section was in the form of the ‘Fill in the Blanks’, yet the questions came in totality from the “Appropriate Prepositions’ chapter of the English Grammar, in which the blanks needed to be filled in with the appropriate prepositions. As opposed to the previous years’ questions in the ‘Fill in the Blanks’ topic, which cumulatively tested a candidate’s knowledge of the tenses, appropriate prepositions, subject verb agreement, phrasal verbs and right usage of vocabulary, this year the ‘Preposition’ part of the English section in NDA aimed to test a candidate’s knowledge of appropriate prepositions and their usage in a sentence.

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As per the difficulty level, the question paper for the English section of the GAT in NDA 1 & 2 2020 Exams, was quite easier to attempt, owing to the lesser number of topics. For a candidate with a good and strong knowledge of grammar and clear grammatical concepts, the questions, especially from the ‘Spotting Errors’ topic, were a cakewalk. A very basic to medium level of knowledge for Vocabulary is needed for a candidate to solve questions from ‘Antonyms’ and ‘Synonyms’. Candidates who applied basic and tricky shortcuts for ‘Ordering of Words’ cracked the questions very easily. The part which was quite not-very-easy-to-solve was the section named ‘Preposition’ as the ones who have skipped the chapter of ‘Appropriate Prepositions’ found it almost at a loss to attempt.

The English section for NDA 1 & 2 2020 Exams was overall easy for those who studied the English curriculum thoroughly and acquired strong knowledge of both English grammar and vocabulary. But students who skipped either of the vocabulary or the grammar part of the NDA English syllabus and concentrated mainly on the rest of the topics faced a major difficulty in solving the English section of the GAT paper.

NDA 2 2020 GK GAT Paper Analysis

The question paper of NDA 2020, which was the most awaited one, has its own advantages and its own levels of difficulty. While most of the students who attempted the paper have exclaimed that the paper was comparatively easy when related to the previous years, some mention that the paper was tricky. On the whole, regarding the General Ability Test (GAT) section, excluding the English part, we give you the detailed analysis of the Part – B of Paper II here. We have given the subjects that were included, the number of questions in each subject and the level of difficulty of these. A detailed subject wise solution key along with the explanation is provided from our side which will be kept for your reference soon.

  • Following are the list of subjects covered in GAT Paper of NDA:
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Polity
  • Economy
  • Current Affairs & Static GK
  • Defence Specific Related
Geography20 Questions
Economy4 Questions
Polity5 Questions
GK10 Questions
Chemistry17 Questions
Physics21 Questions
Biology12 Questions
History11 Questions

NDA 2 2020 Maths Question Papers [ORIGINAL]

NDA 2 2020 Paper MathematicsDownload PDF
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NDA 2 2020 GAT Question Papers [ORIGINAL]

NDA 2 2020 Paper GATDownload PDF
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