Sat Shri Akal guys, I , JASHANDEEP SINGH got my name in AFCAT july course in ADM branch PERMANENT COMMISSION. My AFCAT score was 154 and I was recommended from 1 AFSB Dehradun on 15th Nov. I am writing this blog to share my SSB experience. First of all, I appreciate SSBCRACK for giving me this platform and continuously motivating aspirants for joining defence forces.
Beginning with my story , I have given 4 attempts so far which include 3 screen out and 1 recommendation. But those screen outs evolved me and I learnt a lot from them. I gave AFCAT 2 2019 in September and I cleared it and got my ssb date on 11 nov. 218 candidates reported and 69 got screened in.
I would suggest the candidates to equally focus on screening as it’s the 1st step towards your further evaluation. I would suggest to prepare your OIR really well as it is very important and coming to PPDT observe the picture very carefully. Don’t rush to write after seeing the picture, see it thoroughly , form an theme in the mind and then execute it on the paper. In group Discussion narration plays an important role be calm and narrate with confidence. Don’t force your ideas on the group instead put up your points and also listen what others are saying. The main thing in screening is your thought which comes through your story, your confidence which reflect through your narration and how well you can perform in group which is seen in discussion.
Coming to Psychology, I was very calm and composed at that time, giving one advice never come under pressure in psych tests as it will hamper your thinking ability . In my TAT I was able to write all my stories and read them twice, I observed picture carefully, formed theme in my mind and wrote really quickly . Write stories which are realistic, which you can relate. In WAT I was able to complete all 60 and in SRT I did 49. In WAT, what matters most is how good your knowledge is, the more you read you more easier the WAT becomes. Coming to SRT, read the situation very carefully and write your responses crisp and short but add your action which is important. Prepare your SD beforehand , sit with your parents talk to them ask them what they think of you , this way you will be able to know more about yourself. In SD write what you truly are not what you aspire to become.
Coming to GTO and my favourite part of SSB, as I was fresher never had GTO experience before, it was new to me but it was so so smooth that I didnt find any difficulty in doing any tasks. My group members were all very cooperating and were really good . In GD try to give your points with some examples which can back your view ,this way you will be able to convince the group. In GPE listen to GTO when he explains the task, and read the task very carefully, keep in mind the time of things when they are happening and prioritize your solutions according to time of happening of events. The best part of GTO the fatta, balli tasks, enjoy them, give your ideas but let others also implement theirs, you have to work like a team , so help others when they dont have ideas, this way they will listen you when you put yours thought. Command task and lecturette are very important, in CT execute the solution by taking the help of your subordinates, in lecturette speak with confidence and have eye contact, try to speak the topics in front of mirror, it will help you for sure.

The most important part of SSB is your personal interview, my interview went really smooth, IO was very polite and supportive. Be sure that you know everything about yourself, your friends and family because this is the main part around which our interview will revolve, be ready for counter questioning as IO will question you on your very answer until he find satisfactory answer. I was very much grilled by IO about my friends, but I gave true answers and it takes me through. Ohh here comes the main thing “ be your true self” this is what IO wants to see.
Last but not the least “THE CONFERENCE”, the hall where your fate will be locked. Before my conference, it waited for 5-10 minutes outside the conference hall and then I was called in, the moment I entered I saw 13-15 officers in uniform all looking at me, I greeted them and I was asked to sit. I sat and smiled at once, then I was asked about my motivation to join forces, to which I gave true answer, that it was my mother’s dreams which I would like to pursue and make her proud. And that was it. I was asked to leave.
At last , the time came and results were to be announced, and the 1st chest no. which was called was chest no. 5 which was me. I was extremely happy .
I would like to thank all my friends, family who always believed in me and would advice to all candidates who aspire to join forces that follow your dream and work hard to achieve it, untiring efforts and life experiences are the key to success. Thank you All!
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after a month i would be writing my story in ssb crack