
Recommended For Indian Navy In My 1st Attempt

By SSBCrack

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Hello I M Gaurav Kumar basically from Muzaffarpur ( Bihar) got recommended from 33 SSB Bhopal in service entry for Indian Navy In my very First Attempt. I feel loved to share my journey from joining the Navy at an very young age of 18 and now getting commissioned in it.It definitely help to all but specially the one who are already in the services. As it all started when the merit list of Navy come out and seeing my name in that i was nothing to do but to wipe out the tears from my mom’s eyes. As I was the first one in my whole family to open an account of going into the defence forces and now probably the first one to get commisioned. This journey would help many of you to encourage and realise their potential and keep growing like i never stopped learning throughout my journey. It was really tough to maintain the studies while having all the curriculum like PT, Parade, Swimming, Duties and all. But the aim in mind had always helped me to work harder. After completing 1 yrs of service I got chance to appear before the commission worthy exam in Navy. After passing the Written and Preliminary selection board I got the call letter to appear before SSB on 22nd of July. I reported on the date at Bhopal. As I was fresher everything was new to me i enjoyed each n every task starting from the OIR to the Conference in every task I Showed them the real me. And to all the aspirants I would say.. That SSB is not a competition so don’t compete. It’s an personality test which is different for everyone. Be Calm, Confident and most importantly real you…. I have  purchased the SSBCrack booklet for OIR and practiced from it. I was keep following the SSBCrack since long time for getting updated as well as it was giving me the kick to join the defence the stories here of each and everyone had inspired me and at that time I had also decided someday I would be also writing my journey to inspire all the defence aspirants…. Thanks to all who helped me to raised
Jai hind

After clearing the PSB and written I was about to get my ssb call letter in April but due to the lockdown it was extended for indefinite period of time. I proceeded for leave in March to my home in Gautam Buddha Nagar and there I started preparing for my ssb as I was fresher I was new about all the procedures. First I have started taking help from you tube knowing the whole 5 days procedure in details. Subrisingly my leave was extended till 30th july and I got tremonduos time for my preparation. Firstly I started making notes of my current affairs and worked on my communication skills by recording my own answer in mobile and later listen it and find the modifications.

Secondly I have make fixed routine for every task various times but as usual failed to work on that. Then slowly slowly I started writing TAT pictures I used to write the stories of around 150 words and when later read it found it baseless. So later I realised the meaning of Apperception and started including my past experiences which I have came through in civil as well in services. Now the things was easy for me to relate. I was very much worried about my WAT tests because I used to skip a lot of words during practice. But on a whole my elder brother who was also preparing for his CDS SSB had helped me a lot in taking the mock interview listening to the lecturette topics and practice the psych test on a whole together and most importantly the practice of OIR .


When I reported to my duty station after a week I was been informed that my ssb is on 22 nd of July and I have completed all the formalities and left for bhopal on 20th reached bhopal on 21st and stayed in hotel for a day with my other coursemates and seniors. On 22nd in the early morning at 0530 hrs had reported at ssb gate. We were 80 in numbers. Provided the chest no. We all were given packed breakfast and then taken to a room and given the OIR it was really tough the practiced which I have done at home by ssbcrack OIR booklet had saved me to do well. For each we were given 19 minutes for 45-45 questions both verbal and non verbal I had attempted all as there was no negative marking. After a break of 5 mins we all were shown a picture for ppdt the scene was of a hospital where  doctors were treating patients so I made my story of a doctor who treats the patients and motivates them not to panick with this covid as it can easily be fought with doing normal yoga keep hygiene and maintain physical distancing. He also along with his other doctors held an health camp in village areas and spread awareness how to fight this pandemic and also contributed some amount of money and distributed some masks and sanitisers to people who can’t afford that. After that we were dived in a group of 8. I narrated my story with full confidence maintaining the  eye contact with others colleagues. And gently took part in GD 2-3 times and I was nominated for reciting the group story but the conclusion of our discussion itself went to a common story so accessor told us ok understood. And you all may leave.


Then time was around 12 we all headed for the lunch and after an hour the results for stage 1 was announced 30 candidates got screened in and I was one of them. I was given the fresh chest no. 28 . And asked to take my luggage and stand seperately. Then we all thirty were taken in a room and given 3 PIQ forms  to fill up and then alloted the dormatories. In each there were 4 candidates due to covid 19 many things were changed in the ssb.

On day 2 we were called on 0900 hrs for psychological test and one after other the ideas and theme were easily flowing through my mind. I had written all the 12 stories in given time. Now the test for which I was very much worried was there WAT but the more surprising thing happened I not even skipped a single word and completed the 60 WAT which was really unbelievable for me all the sentences which I have written was very much normal and my first idea. Then I completed 53 SRT’S  and then final test was Self Description in that I had skipped the last opinion about self.
I was very much happy and confident about my psychological testtest. Now I was all ready for my interview for which I was very much excited.

oir test and ppdt

My interview was scheduled on day 3 at 1500 hrs I have reached 15 mind prior and waited in waiting hall wearing that face mask and face shield I was sweating alot as it was my first time I was a bit nervous too I drank half of my bottle during waiting. When being called I get in and told to sit down keeping all my materials down lower my face mask and my interview begun it had gone around 25-30 minutes in which not a single question from GK or current affairs was been asked for which I was well prepared. I was being grilled on all my life experiences wat all works I had done in my duty, trainings and all every thing was from PIQ and some questions related to my professional knowledge in service subjects. I was very much happy with my interview before leaving the room the I don’t know why the interviewer asked me Gaurav is it ur first attempt… I replied yes sir… He told… Hope this would ur last one. I was been boosted up by his words came in barrack and was smiling remembering his words again and again.

The  Day 4 was decided for the GTO all the Task was to be completed in a single day. So starting from GD1 we were given the topic of Foreign Direct Investment and I had spoken well listening others and putting my points gently moved on to GD2 on the topic related to service. After that GPE and I was nominated by the group to give the final solution which I gave confidently in that GTO mam had put some modifications but told ok u can sit.

After that PGT and HGT was conducted back to back and I had given some ideas executed some and listened to some others and helped to complete all tasks on time. After that lecturette was done I was given on topic Tourism potential of India giving various way forward to boost the tourism in India I ended up. Then we were given a shirt break of 15 mins after that GOR was done in that we were forbidden to do some tasks due to much physical contact and completed the task and won it. GTO was very happy with the group in spite we have broken some rules. Then it was Individual Obstacles I had completed only 10 in time and then command task I was given a bit typical one rather than others because I was been called by 4 candidates as a subordinates so It was easy for me to differentiate. I had done my task well been a little bit of difficulties was raised but I managed to do that after that the final group task was given which we all had completed in a less than 5 minutes. At the end a small briefing of GTO  about the next day and we all returned in barracks done lunch took a nap and at evening we were being briefed by CHM saab about the next day schedule. As we all were the service candidates so our conference was to be held in Uniforms so we all started polishing our boots washing the peak caps ironic g the dress and in the morning 0900 hrs we all were told to wait in a Hall.

An Interviewing officer came for the closing session and told us wat is being expected from the ssb and after that the conference started at around 0930 hrs  My chest no. Was 28 so I had to wait for a long my no. Came at 1240 hrs entering the Hall I took my seat and board president asked some general questions like how was my journey, by which train I was coming from, how is the accommodation one question he asked me. Gaurav if you have to select 2 candidates from this group of 30 whom you will select. I replied  Sir, Other than me?  He told.. Choice is yours… Then I told sir I would recommend chest no. 25 and me. Then he told okay so now the vacancy is only 1 now whom you will drop. I replied sir I will drop chest no. 25 . Then he asked why how you r better than him then I simply replied sir he was good at most of the things but he need to brush his convincing power in which he lacks once he deals with that he would get recommended. He told okay Gaurav it was nice interaction hope fir your best results. Then I came out packed all the luggage done lunch changed into casuals and waiting for the results it took around 3 hours for the result to come everyone was very much excited when finally Sir came with the file and told out of 30 the 3 had made it this time I was very much excited crossed my figure. The first cheat no. Was 16 and second was mine 28 I jumped from my chair recited my name and my fathers name and told to stand separate after taking the luggage. We all three congratulated each other for the success out of them 2 we’re repeaters and I was fresher I was very much excited to wear that chest no. Which plus ➕ sign. Later on we were given the chest no’s.
So this was my journey and at last I would say to all the aspirants to be bold be confident and be yourself no one can stop you from getting recommended All the very best to all of you for your future SSB’s…
Jai hind.

Olive Squad Mugs


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