“IN LIFE EITHER YOU WIN OR YOU LEARN”. HEY ASPIRANTS!! I’m Sanjeev an Air Force brat. I am recently recommend for NDA-144 from 19 SSB Allahabad in my 3rd attempt. It took me an entire year to earn the ‘+’ on my chest.
The journey began at 22 SSB Bhopal on 22/07/19 for TES where the reporting was 250+ and just 14 were screened in (including me). Later that day the documentation and filling up of PIQ was done. Next day was psychology being a fresher I was unable to cope up with the required speed and my psych test were not that good, the same day after an hour my interview was there which was horrible, can’t project the real me in front of Interviewing Officer however the next two days of GTO were too good but that alone were not sufficient and ended up facing the first failure (1st conference out of my life).
The second attempt 32 SSB Kapurthala on 26/02/20 for TES where reporting was 350+ and 35 screened in (including me). The main catch of screening is good performance in OIR TEST whose ebook was purchased from SSBCRACK and for PPDT your fluent flawless narration is necessary. Same except screening everything went bad because of casual attitude that I displayed after getting screened in and the result conference out.

The third attempt at Rejection Center for NDA. Earlier the reporting was 19 March but due to CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK it was pushed to 09 July. The screening was smooth as only 33 reported and seeing this small figure I was confirmed of getting screened in. The OIR was exceptionally well and PPDT was good too. Next day psych, this time I explored my complete personality during lockdown and therefore performed to the mark in psychology. Interview happened the same day and I provided logic to every answer of mine perfectly. One GK question was put forward to me and I answered it so perfect that no other GK questions came again. Then day 3-4 GTO, being a physically fit guy I was an asset to the group gave ideas when group was blank which were innovative in nature and utilised all the available resources keenly. In individual obstacles I did all and repeated one, where I strictly adhered to GTO’s instructions. In lecturatte I spoke very well and in CT I worked more and spoke less about my plans.
Thereafter the D-DAY came conference began and when the number flashed I went in and was asked about my stay and feedback, here I was not even asked to be seated on the chair and this made me sure that I was terrible this time and it’s time to book tickets. I was sad and after an hour the Tech Officer came with the results. I was not excited and was not paying any attention to him, he went with the results 21, 1, 2…….13(that’s me, I completely ignored him…..he stared at me and shouted again….13), I stood up shouted my name, roll number (which I forgot initially). There after two more candidates and the results were over just 6 were recommended in a NDA batch. I called my mom with tears of glory in my eyes and said……”HAHAHAHA” and she replied “Well done”. Later I got to know from JCO sir that because of my zeal and confident performance I was not asked to sit.
At last I want to say that “YES, I HAVE IT IN ME”.
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Bro did U take any SSB coaching?