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Written ExamsNDA ExamWill NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 Have Same Question Paper?

Will NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 Have Same Question Paper?

So finally UPSC has published a revised date for the NDA 1 2020 along with NDA 2 2020. For the first time, both NDA 1 and 2 will be conducted on the same day as a common examination. As per the official statement “A common examination for both NDA& NA Exam(I) and NDA&NA Exam (II), 2020 will be held on 06.09.2020“. After this notification, many candidates are coming up with the questions, mostly regarding the NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 question paper, will there be two different question papers or same question paper for both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020! Well if you look at the official statement, most likely, the question paper for both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will be same, it will be a common examination for two different entries.

  • NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will have same question paper conducted on the same day i.e. on 6 Sep 2020.
  • NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will be two different entries only, which means, the joining will be different for both like earlier, there is no change on that.
  • Candidates who have applied for NDA 1 2020 can also apply for NDA 2 2020.
  • Candidates who have applied for both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will have to clear one paper only to get the SSB interview call for two different NDA entries.
  • SSB interviews for NDA 1 2020 will be conducted first as the joining for NDA 1 2020 will be before NDA 2020.
  • Well, there could be a case that SSB interviews for both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will be merged, means a candidate who has applied for NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 and clears the written exam will get only one SSB interview call letter for both the entry. Still, there is no clarity on this.
  • Will NDA 145 and NDA 146 courses be merged? Well, we see no such need because the NDA 145 will be in Jan 2021 and NDA 146 will be in July 2021. There is a lot of time for the SSBs to conduct the SSB interview for both the entries separately. But again, let’s wait for more updates.
  • Many aspirants are asking if NDA 1 2020 candidate can apply for NDA 2 2020, will they be eligible for NDA 2 2020 also? Again, there is no 100% clarity on this, once the NDA 2 2020 notification is published, we can have a clear picture.
  • SSBCrack will keep an eye on the latest updates related to NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020. We wish all the NDA aspirants for a serious preparation, the time has come.

If you have any questions related to NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 exams, do post them in the comment section below. Like thousands of NDA aspirants, you can also join us in our NDA Exam Online Course, this course is an advanced course which helps you to gain more marks in your NDA exam, you can enrol for the NDA 2020 Online Course here. You can also download our Learning App to get all the latest updates first. Do not forget to join our Telegram group for quick alerts.

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Pankaj Negi
Pankaj Negi
Founder, SSBCrack. An Army Brat with a passion for technology, blends innovation with deep insights to empower defence aspirants and enthusiasts.

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  1. Is it neccessary to clear or attempt NDA1 and NDA2 to get SSB call letter or we can attempt single NDA paper and get a call letter from ssb?

  2. If a student has applied for both NDA 1and 2 and if he the cleared the exam will he get 2 opportunities of ssb for nda1 and 2

  3. My opinion:
    As there are many candidates who have only 2 chances as per their age limit, UPSC should re-schedule the exam dates.

    Or else some candidates might get only one chance to appear & get deprived of the second attempt since the exams are being conducted on a single day.

  4. I filled form of NDA1 2020 and also eligible for NDA2 2020 .
    can I fill form of NDA2 as I need to change my exam center?

  5. What about remaining SSB’s of NDA 2(2019) since candidates whose SSB’s were after 20th March were postponed

  6. If a candidate , who’s applied for both entry and give different service preference in both entry for example in NDA 1 give 1st preference to airforce and in NDA 2 give 1st preference to army ,after common exam for which service call up latter will come.

  7. I filled NDA 1 2020 for practice as I’m in class 12 so now both papers NDA 1 and 2 are on same date so now I have to fill NDA 2 for which I’m eligible so if I do so then will there be problem during ssb or not

    • I’m studying in class 12 and iam eligible for both NDA1 and NDA2 .I have already applied for NDA 1 .I want to write both NDA(1),NDA(2).I have already filled my application to nda 1 2020 .Now I want to attempt both NDA 1 and NDA 2 .How can it be possible of both the exams are on same day…..please help me


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