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NotificationNDA ExamNDA 2 2020 Registration Started - Age Limit, Exam Date, Application

NDA 2 2020 Registration Started – Age Limit, Exam Date, Application

NDA 2 2020 exam registration is started on 16 June 2020. NDA aspirants can apply for the NDA 2 2020 written exam online on the official UPSC website. Here we bring you a few important points that NDA aspirants must keep in mind.

  • The NDA& NA Examination (I) 2020, which was scheduled to be held on 19.04.2020, was deferred against the backdrop of COVID-19 outbreak. Now, a common examination will be held for both NDA&NA Examination (I) and NDA& NA Examination (II) 2020 on September 6, 2020.
  • Candidates of NDA& NA Examination (I) 2020 who intend to apply for NDA& NA (II) Examination 2020 should note that their photograph, signature, choice of Centre & Photo ID as per NDA & NA (II) 2020 application will be utilised for the purpose of allotment of centre and future referencing and they are advised to carry this ID while appearing for the examination. They should also note that any variation in photograph/signature/date of birth in two applications may entail cancellation of candidature for either of the two examinations or both. Such common candidates are required to indicate their unique RID of NDA&NA Examination (I) 2020 in the application form for NDA&NA Examination (II) 2020. The unique RID for NDA&NA Examination (I) 2020 was provided to each of them after submission of application for the examination earlier.
  • The candidates should also note that no addition/deletion/any changes are allowed in online application form in the NDA & NA Examination in any circumstances once it is submitted.
  • Candidates are required to apply online by using the website upsconline.nic.in Brief instructions for filling up the online Application Form have been given in the Appendix-II (A) Detailed instructions are available on the above mentioned website.
  • Candidates of NDA& NA Examination (I) 2020 who are eligible and intend to apply for NDA& NA Examination (II) 2020 may apply. They should, however, note that no separate written examination will be held for NDA&NA Examination (I), 2020 this year. The written examination will be common for the candidates of both NDA& NA Examination (I) and (II) 2020. However, the results of these two examinations will be prepared separately.
  • Common candidates of NDA& NA Examination (I) and (II) 2020 should note that their photograph, signature, choice of Centre & Photo ID as per NDA & NA Examination (II) 2020 application will be utilised for the purpose of allotment of centre and future referencing and they are advised to carry this ID while appearing for the examination. They should also note that any variation in photograph/signature in two applications may entail cancellation of candidature for either of the two examinations or both. Such common candidates are required to indicate their unique RID of NDA&NA Exam.(I) 2020 in the application form for NDA&NA Exam.(II) 2020. The unique RID for NDA&NA Exam.(I) 2020 was provided to each of them after submission of application for this examination earlier.
  • Candidates of NDA/NA 1 and 2 both will NOT have any separate exam and will attempt the same exam i.e., Both NDA/NA I and II will have the same question paper, same exam centre.
  • Candidates who applied for NDA/NA I will have to apply for NDA/NA II with the SAME registration ID number (RID). Both Applications must have the same details.
  • Exam will be ONE. But the result will be taken for both the papers separately. For example, if I get 400 out of 900 in the exam, and if I didn’t qualify in NDA/NA I, there might be chances that I might be qualified in NDA/NA II, since the result will be declared separately, hence cut off will be varied.

New applicants there SHOULD NOT BE ANY CHANGE in these things in both applications:

Notification Release date16 June 2020
NDA 2 2020 Application Start16 June 2020
NDA 2 2020 Apply Last Date06 July 2020
Release of Admit card2 Weeks before Exam
NDA 2 2020 Exam date06 Sep 2020
Declaration of resultOct 2020

NDA 2 2020 SELECTION PROCEDURE: To select the candidates UPSC follows 2 stages of the selection process. As this is a national level entrance examination the applications will be very high to imagine. So, they follow the below method to select the candidates:

  • Written Examination
  • SSB Interview
  • Medical Test
  • Document Verification
  • Merit List

The approximate number of vacancies to be filled on the results of this examination will be as under :

National Defence Academy370 to include 208 for Army,
42 for Navy and 120 for
Air (including 28 for Ground Duties)
Naval Academy
(10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme)

NDA 2 2020 WRITTEN TEST: To filter the candidates applied from the whole nation written test helps the conducting authority to filter the candidates easily. The exam will be conducted in Pen and Paper (offline) mode.

Mathematics2 Hrs & 30 Min300
General Ability Test2 Hrs & 30 Min600

NDA 2 2020 SYLLABUS: Every aspirant to NDA should go through the syllabus before the examination. This is very important. Even though it is from 10+2 level but the question paper pattern will be a high pattern.

 General Science
 History, Freedom Movement etc
 Current Events

NDA 2 2020 SSB INTERVIEW: The candidates who qualify in written examination will be called for SSB Interview from the available centers in India.

  • Stage I – Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR), Picture perception, and Description Test.
  • Stage II – Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and Conference

TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE FOR SSB: Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of Commission i.e. Permanent or Short Service, shall be entitled to AC III Tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits. Candidates who apply again for the same type of Commission will not be entitled to travelling allowance on any subsequent occasion.

NDA 2 2020 MEDICAL TEST: Candidates who qualify in SSB Interview they should stay 2-3 days more at the SSB Center to undergo medical tests conducted by the board. To qualify a medical test, the candidate should be fit both mentally and physically.

NDA 2 2020 APPLICATION FEE: Candidates should pay a small amount of amount as fee to apply the NDA 2 2020 examination. Those amount will be utilized for the infrastructure and other reasons to conduct the examination without fail.

  • General & OBC candidates should pay Rs. 100/-
  • No Fee for the SC/ST and sons of JCOs/ NCOs/ ORs

NDA 2 2020 APPLY PROCEDURE: Follow the below steps to apply the NDA 2 2020 notification:

  • Candidates are required to apply online by using the website upsconline.nic.in
  • Click on Part I and submit your personal and contact details.
  • Get your registration id and head to Part 2 of the application form.
  • Select the mode of depositing the fees of Rs. 100/-
  • Select your center of examination.
  • Then upload our photo and signature in mentioned file size and dimensions.
  • Then check your declaration and submit the form.
  • Download a copy of the application form for future use

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  1. When can we expect the TGC -132 Jan 2021 Notification? It is usually released latest by end of May month. It would be my last attempt. Eagerly waiting for getting opportunity to join as PC Officer.


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