Gentlemen Cadet (GC) Akashdeep Singh Dhillon of Punjab won the coveted Sword of Honour at the passing out parade at the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, on Saturday. Belonging to Kairon village of Tarn Taran district, Lt. Akashdeep is an alumnus of Sainik School, Kapurthala. Sword of Honour is awarded to the GC who finishes at the top during training at IMA. Son of a farmer and a government school teacher, Akashdeep’s elder brother Preet Dhillon is an actor.
“The shining sword that Akashdeep was holding in his hands was like a dream,” said Lt. Akasdeep’s mother Birinder Kaur, a government vocational teacher posted at Valtoha in Tarn Taran.
Lt. Akashdeep had got selected in NDA in 2016, the year he completed his 10+2 from Sainik School. After year training at NDA Khadakwasla, he completed his one year training at IMA Dehradun.
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