Indian Army has published an alert where it has mentioned that the course reporting for the SSC April 2020 course at OTA Chennai is deferred till further orders, candidates who are selected for the following entries for the April 2020 course need to hold back for April 2020 OTA Course as the fresh reporting dates will be provided by the Indian Army later. Below are the following SSC April 2020 courses for which course reporting is postponed. Official Statement: ” REPORTING OF SSC (APR 2020) COURSE (MEN & WOMEN) : AS PER COVID -19 (CORONA VIRUS) ADVISORY, REPORTING DATE OF CANDIDATES OF SSC (NT) – 111, SSC (TECH) – 54, SSCW (NT & TECH) – 25, SSC (NCC) SPL (MEN & WOMEN) – 47, SSC (JAG) (MEN & WOMEN) – 24 IS DEFERRED TILL FURTHER ORDERS “.
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Reporting Of New Cadets At OTA Chennai Postponed
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