Many NDA aspirants are waiting for the NDA 1 2020 admit card and they are not sure if the NDA 1 2020 exam will be conducted or it will be postponed by the UPSC due to lockdown in India. The Coronavirus shutdown has already affected all the SSB interviews and recruitment rallies of the Indian Army, Navy and Air force. For the first time, the course joining at OTA Chennai for officer cadets is postponed. There is a high chance of NDA 1 2020 getting postponed as the admit cards are not published yet. NDA 1 2020 exam is scheduled on 19th April 2020 and the 21 days lockdown will be over on till 15th April 2020. There is a rare chance that the arrangement will be done in a short span of time to conduct an exam like NDA, also the lockdown might extend further. If you are an NDA aspirant, this is a good time for you to improve your NDA 1 2020 exam preparation so that you can actually crack it this time, do not forget to enrol for our NDA 1 2020 Online course today.
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