UPDATE: The AFCAT 1 2020 result is published now and the cut off is 153 marks out of 300 marks for AFCAT 1 2020 and 40 marks out of 150 marks for EKT.As per many candidates, the AFCAT 1 2020 result has been updated and the cut of is 153 marks out of 300 marks. The candidates who have attempted AFCAT 1 2020 online exam can finally check their AFCAT 1 2020 result now. Indian Air Force will be publishing the written exam result for AFCAT 1 2020 today or tomorrow and the date selection for the AFCAT 1 2020 will be enabled from 18th March as per the official SMS received by many candidates. “Dear Candidate, AFCAT(01/2020) AFSB Seat selection will be enabled from 18 Mar 10:00 AM to 23 Mar 10:00 AM. Kindly login & book your AFSB exam date & centre.” Many candidates are trying to find the AFCAT result after they received the SMS from IAF regarding the date and venue selection for AFCAT 1 2020. SSBCrack received email and message from AFCAT aspirants who are anxious about the result after they received the SMS from the officials.
- As per many candidates who are able to check the result, the AFCAT 1 2020 result has been updated and the cut of is 153 marks out of 300 marks.
- Candidates will soon be able to check their AFCAT 1 2020 marks and cut off.
- Candidates who have received the SMS are not able to check the marks and AFCAT 1 2020 result now. The result might be open very soon.
- There is a possibility that only successful candidates have got the SMS for AFCAT 1 2020.

AFCAT 1 2020 result will be published soon for marks, cut off, SSB dates and venue, if you have received the SMS from IAF, there is a high probability of you clearing the AFCAT 1 2020 exam. All the best.