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Answer KeysCDSCDS 1 2020 Answer Keys | CDS 1 Answer Keys 2020 ...

CDS 1 2020 Answer Keys | CDS 1 Answer Keys 2020 [All Sets] -Updating

CDS 2020 Online CourseCDS 1 2020 answer keys will be updated by SSBCrack here. On 2nd Feb 2020, CDS 1 2020 written exam was conducted by the UPSC across the country, candidates who are waiting for the CDS 1 2020 answer keys for Maths, GK and English can look this post for more updates. The written exam of CDS-1-2020 is being conducted by UPSC on 02 Feb 2020. Candidates who attempted the written exam of CDSE 1 2020 are waiting for CDS 1 2020 answer keys and cut off marks. Through CDS 1 2020 exam, candidates will join the course commencing in Jan 2021 at IMA, AFA, NA, and OTA for admission to the Army, Air Force wings and  Navy. Courses like IMA 150 Course, SSC 113th, 25tj OTA, 209th Flying Course, and Naval Academy. Candidates looking for CDS 1 2020 Key and cut off marks, Paper solution sheet, CDS key 2020,  CDS 1 2020 Cut Off Marks / answer sheet of CDS-1 2020 can check it on SSBCrack. Aspirants can look at the answer keys for their CDS written exam, here of paper-1st and paper-2nd with set-a, set-b, set-c, set-d. We are going to publish the CDS 1 2020 answer keys from the reputed academies like Minerva, Baalnoi, Cavalier etc. Candidates are advised not to check the answer keys which are released soon after the examination as most of them are wrong. In case you have doubts in CDS 1 2020 answer keys, do double-check it from other sources.


CDSE 1 2020 includes three different papers i.e English, Maths and General Knowledge for IMA, AFA, and NA. For OTA candidates, there were only two papers i.e. English and General Knowledge. CDSE is conducted by UPSC twice every year. If you are sure about clearing CDS 1 2020, then this is the right time for you to start the SSB interview preparations with full speed, SSB is more than just clearing a written exam, so the more time you put in building your personality for the CDS SSB interview, it will be much easier for you to clear it. For candidates who think they have not done their best, do not feel low about it, life is full of opportunities and you must prepare for what is next in front of you, also wait for the results. SSBCrack is updating the CDS 1 2020 answer keys, we request aspirants to bookmark the page and visit it back in a few hours.

Paper Analysis CDS 1 2020 Mathematics

CDS 1 2020 paper for Mathematics was difficult in terms of difficulty level. The questions asked in the exam were tricky and lengthy. The CDS Mathematics paper carries a total of 100 questions from topics like Number systems, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration, Simplification, Simple and Compound interest, Ratio & Proportion, Speed, Distance and Time, Work and Time, Set theory etc. The topic-wise analysis of questions is shown as below:

Name of the Topic Number of Questions
Number Systems 12
HCF and LCM 2
Square roots and Cube roots 3
Speed, Distance and Time 3
Work and Time 2
Percentage 2
Simple and Compound interest 1
Ratio and Proportions 4
Logarithms 2
Algebraic Operations 4
Rational Expressions 1
Linear Equations 1
Quadratic equations and Inequalities 6
Set theory 2
Trigonometry 14
Geometry 15
Mensuration 19
Statistics 7

The paper consisted of maximum question from mensuration topic. Trigonometry maintains its number of questions in the usual range every year. But the different thing in CDS 2020 was geometry! 15 questions came from geometry segment this year.

So, basically the students who have prepared well for Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration and Number system were in advantage. However, the questions from other topics were lesser in number and easier to solve. Also, this year’s paper is quiet lengthy which implies that the student who can judge, which question should be attempted first, will make it through. One should be more focused to solve the questions using the given options rather than the traditional methods as per our advice in a paper like CDS 1 2020 !

Paper Analysis CDS 1 2020 General Knowledge

The General Knowledge paper for CDS I, 2020 can be categorized as easy to moderate level when it comes to the difficulty scale. General Sciences had 30 questions with most of them falling in the easy category. 12 questions were asked from Chemistry whereas 9 questions were asked from Biology and Physics each. The questions from General Sciences required very basic knowledge of the subject. Coming to General Studies, history was on the moderate side. Considerable number of questions were from Modern History as expected, but medieval history had a good share in this installment. A few questions were also asked from ancient history. Although most of the General studies was easy to moderate but the same was not true for Geography. The questions from Geography was high on difficulty scale. Most of the questions were from Indian and Physical geography. The questions from Economy were of moderate level with a few direct questions. The polity section had question of moderate difficulty. It needed in-depth understanding of concepts and knowledge of relevant facts. The current affairs were direct and knowledge of past one-year current affair would have sufficed.

Subject Questions Level
Physics 9 Easy to Moderate
Chemistry 12 Easy to Moderate
Biology 9 Easy to Moderate
History 21 Moderate
Geography 17 Moderate to difficult
Economy 8 Easy to Moderate
Polity 12 Moderate
Current Affairs 32 Easy to Moderate
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CDS 1 2020 English Question Paper Analysis

Comprehension2 Passages (5 each)
Spotting Errors10
Ordering of Words in a Sentence10
Idioms & Phrases10
Ordering of Sentences10
Fill in the Blanks10
Parts of Speech10
Spelling Mistakes10
Transformation of Sentences10
Reported Speech10

CDS 1 2020 English paper consists of 12 sections with 10 questions devoted to each section, therefore equally distributing 100 marks in totality. The paper this year has been set with quite an advance intensive level of difficulty & needed an overall depth of thorough grammatical knowledge in the subject to score good marks. The paper is mostly focused on the English grammar & its technicalities & therefore it would have been quite a herculean task for those who had taken the grammar lightly & have just grazed the surface of it. The passages from the Comprehension section in this paper are lesser in number but the candidate needs a good reading habit to ace the word play infused with tricky ideas & complex views of the author, to answer the questions. My recommendation would have been to approach this section at the very end of the paper to devote quite an amount of time to comprehend & answer the questions. Majority of the questions from Spotting Errors section came from the tense & Subject-Verb agreement errors, though the candidate had to have quite a careful eye to detect wrong usage of words in a couple of questions. Ordering of Words in a Sentence would have been an easier section to solve, while the Idioms & Phrases section needed an average knowledge of the candidate’s vocabulary & reading practice. Surprisingly, Ordering of Sentences was a piece of cake for those who knew to connect the dots easily & logically & certainly, for those who knew the shortcut tricks to answer this section! Fill in the Blanks questions needed a good knowledge of the use of certain noun & verb phrases, while the questions from Synonyms & Antonyms were easier to solve provided they were given in the form of sentences, which are quite easier to guess than single words! What changed the game this year were the questions from Parts of Speech & Transformation of Sentences sections. The pattern of the questions are quite different & harder than the previous years’. The Parts of Speech questions required a greater knowledge of what is what in English grammar & the Transformation of Sentences is needed framing & contracting different kinds of sentences into suitable ones. Spelling section asked the candidates to point out words with easy to average level of spelling mistakes which would have been a simple job for those who are in the reading habit. Questions from Reported Speech section followed the general pattern & standard level of difficulty & would be  a scoring section for the candidates who practiced the question patterns well. Overall, the CDS 1 2020 paper on English was a hard nut to crack for it requires an expert level of knowledge & thorough conceptual understanding of Grammatical technicalities of the candidate to ace good marks in this paper.   


For Admission to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy:

SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100
Elementary Mathematics2 Hours100

For Admission to Officers’ Training Academy:

SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100

SSBCrack CDS-1 2020 Examination Answer Key – UPDATING – Corrected

 EnglishGeneral KnowledgeMathematics
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CDS 1 2020 Question Paper with Answer

Also Check: CDS 1 2020 Cut Off [Expected]

CDS 1 2020 Question Papers PDF – UPDATED

CDS 1 2020 Answer Keys PDF – UPDATING 

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CDS 1 2020 SSB Interview Procedure

  • Candidates who will clear the CDS 1 2020 written exam will get a call letter for SSB interview
  • You will get the SSB interview call based on your preference i.e. IMA, OTA, NA, AFA
  • Even if you clear the exam for more than one preference, you will get only one SSB call based on your top preference
  • You can prepare for SSB interview with these books
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