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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCleared NDA and TES SSB Interview To Join Army

Cleared NDA and TES SSB Interview To Join Army

Very warm and sincere greetings to all the defence aspirant here. I am HARSH SHEORAN and I got recommended for NDA-142 and TES-42. Well before starting the story let me tell you about myself, I Belong to Bhiwani, Haryana and presently pursuing BA from Kirorimal college, DU. So for me to join armed forces was very natural as my family legacy. My father is  retired as a  JCO from Corps of engineer and my  brother  is going to pass out from NDA this December So  whatever I am writing is   based on the experience of two recommendations I have  got,  my brother and friends who got recommended with me and the success stories that I have read on SSBCRACK and  most important ,that I have learned in GEORGIANS  ACADEMY DELHI


Now until I got recommended, I used to read a lot of stories on SSBCrack, now I got recommended, I felt this it as a responsibility to write a story to continue the cycle.

Now the ssb procedure is divided into 5 days and 4 techniques





Now  in  screening, there are 4 parts

OIR Test

  1. A simple test of verbal and non-verbal questions
  2. Practice some question
  3. Usually not very tough, one  with normal  IQ can easily do


A picture is shown to us and we have to write a story around it, after that it is followed by narration and discussion. In my opinion, there are only 2 ways to write a story. The same approach will be there for writing TAT stories in PSYCHOLOGY.

  1. Try to  relate with you, your hobbies, your  PIQ….. for e.g

→if studying scene … can relate with a quiz if u have done

→if outdoor hiking…the  trip∕ tour you have made in school or college

  • Go with authority

It is not possible  to write every story around u, so the  remaining stories can be handled by introducing authority and solving a problem ..for e.g

→ IAS officer on  solving agriculture crisis …. If field scene.. farmers, solving theft and robbery cases, promoting clean India programme etc

→ ARMY officer, Medical officer etc as per the picture

The best part about authority stories is you can prepare them beforehand .

The main concept behind writing stories is that after reading 12 stories of TAT the psychologist must know everything about you ( when u relate stories with PIQ) and how better you can plan and organise.

Now some  points

  1. Do not write character name as Ram/Shyam instead of it write the name of your friends.
  2. Observe the  picture fully …….if it is KUTUB MINAR do not write EIFFEL TOWER i.e no preoccupied thoughts
  3. Show the working part more i.e planning and organization.
  4. Have some stories prepared beforehand …authorities and related to your PIQ.


  1. Revise it again and again .. u will get enough time before the narration
  2. Speak confidentially, loud and slow
  3. Have a smile
  4. Neatly dressed


  1. If it is going to be fish market then you have two choices

→raise a voice, shout to control and direct the group, appreciate the stories of others by calling the chest number,

 As you do this you will automatically get the support of them

→put your points calmly try your best and if still there is no coordination then it’s better to sit calm and composed

Its all about screening


The interview is one of the easiest technique of SSB. It’s one to one conversation with officer usually with a rank of Colonel. If you prepare it well you can tackle it easily.

In both  my recommendations my interview was of 15-20 minutes (I don’t know why…but good for me)

Now must  things for interview

→Be as neatly dressed  as you can, your dressing style  should speak for you

→whatever be the situation always have a smile on face

Now I am writing the possible question that can  be asked by breaking the PIQ

1.Meaning of your name ,justify it

2. Train details of which you  can coming like  train number states it passed, what you did during your journey, total distance and avg speed

*if you going by flight be ready for Bernoulli Theorem

3.The good and bad things about three places i.e your permanent address, present address, and the place where you have lived the most and the comparison between them

4. Strength and weakness of each of the family member and incident to prove them

5. if I met with your mother/father/brother/sister/best friend what he will tell about you to me

6. Now some related to your education

<Tell me the percentage from 8th to 12th> < the exams u have appeared> <best and worst subject/teacher with reason > <if you scored less than why ><unit conversions><if u have changed your school/stream than why>

7.best  and worst  day/friend with reason

8. One thing u want to improve in your best friend and one thing your best friend wants to improve in you

9 Analyze your psychology test …..IO sees that and can  ask question …..sometime you realize that why he asked me that question ….the origin of such question is from your psychology dozier

10 Daily routine on normal days and how it is different from Sunday

11 how u organize your pocket money

12 Information about your father’s profession, his earnings

13 Every minute  detail about  your sports, hobbies, and CCA activities that u have mentioned in PIQ

14 Why u want to join ARMY/NAVY/AIRFORCE …..Recent deals of armed forces, organization of armed forces, ranks, structure etc

15  Tell me about 5 international  /national/sports news …. Its always good if u remain in touch of newspaper

16 Why u did not get recommended in last attempt, how you prepared this time, what will u do if you did not get recommended this time too

17 Some technical questions ….hydrodynamics and hydrofluids…. Bernouli theormand its application ,pascals law, archemedies principal , concept of torque , how fan rotates ,how boat and works

18 How will you organize any sport ot CCA event

ssb ebook


The interview is all about how good you know about yourself, how you observe things and how u make an opinion about them.

If u thinks that u have not done so well in academics, sports, CCA, and in responsibilities than best thing one can do is to START WITH TRUTH AND AND UP WITH LIE. It’s deep trying to understand


The most important thing in SSB  is psychology. If you get an edge OVER  it half of the battle is won to improve psych improve urself in daily life. There are four techniques in psych


In this, you have a story on 12 photos …and the concept of story writing is explained earlier.


In this test, you have to write a sentence on 60 words.  Things to keep in mind are ….go with the feelings, you do not need to include the word in a sentence, practice some set before SSB


In this test, one has to write a response to 60 situations ….things to keep in mind

  1. Quality > quantity. If u have done anything above 30 its fair enough, provided u have written a quality response
  2. Read the situation calmly and complete …do not try to rush
  3. For the best solution try to put urself in the same situation in reality and how you would have reacted
  4. Do not skip and SRT
oir test and ppdt


In this test, we have described ourselves as the name suggest. We have to write five paragraphs under heading…what is the opinion your parents /teachers/friends/yourself about you  and what kind of person you want to be like


This is the test in which you can do extremely well if u  coordinate well with the group.  A little knowledge and true gentlemen behaviour will sail you through it.


  1. Read the newspaper and u will have enough points to speak about
  2. Be calm, composed and complete relax… don’t show that you are desperate for speaking
  3. Listen to others genuinely
  4. Do not cut others point
  5. Do not get in one to one argument
  6. There comes a time for 3to4 seconds when the whole group quite, grab that opportunity and put your point


  1. Understand the structure well
  2. First discuss the problems according to priority wise, then discuss resources and then solution part
  3. Listen to point of all
  4. Raise your voice if u thinks it is going to be a fish market and provide direction to the group.
TAT ebook part 1 ssbcrack 324x324 1


In this activity, we have to choose a topic over 4 and speak for 3 minutes.  It’s good if topics come of your interest otherwise pick a normal topic and organize it well. try to connect it with normal day to day life and connect it with the latest happenings. The main thing they check is your confidence and how well u organize it with limited knowledge. Stand confident, make eye contact, speak loud and slow and have pitch variation.

NOW FOR REMAINING ACTIVITIES OF GTO, IT’S A GAME, the more u enjoy the more you are going to get. One can not do all the things in PGT, HGT, FGT, SNAKE RACE. So understand ur group, appreciate others and coordinate as much as you can.


  1. Analyze your performance genuinely.
  2. Dress up well and keep a smile.
  3. Speak confidently
  4. Relax ..you have done already what could be done.



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