
Indian Army’s Infantry Marathon, Run With Warriors

By Aritra Banerjee

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Infantry Marathon - SSBCrack

The Indian Army’s famed Infantry School in Mhow is organising ‘The Infantry Marathon’ ‪on 3 November 2019‬. The flagship long-distance endurance event is organised as a soldierly tribute to the indescribable courage, grit and superhuman resolve of the Indian Infantryman! The one of a kind event is in the words of the event organiser, “A tribute of sweat for the blood our Martyrs have shed!”

Infantry Marathon Mhow
Promotional Poster

The marathon is intended to promote a spirit of fitness and pique interest in military service amongst the youth. The flagship event powered by the Academy of Indore Marathoners and host of local businesses will be divided into three independent endurance events.

  • 5 kilometres (Patriots March)
  • 10 kilometres (Josh run)
  • 21 Kilometre (Half marathon)
Infantry school Marathon SSBCrack
Contact details can be found on the poster

The entry fee for the 5k patriot’s march is rupees 400, while the registration for the Josh run and half marathon are rupees 500 respectively. Bib’s and timing chips will be handed out to participants going for the Josh run and half marathon. All participants will receive medals along with a free army-style camouflage T-shirt. Refreshments will be provided ahead of the finish line.

There will be a weapons display organised by the army
Indian Army Band
The Indian Army band will perform a live rock concert

The sporting event will showcase a live rock concert performed by the Indian Army’s Bagpipers. The army will also be organising a weapons display and, an exhibition of vintage cars and bikes. The Indian Army’s upcoming distance running event is bound to ignite the patriotic fervour of defence aspirants across the country.

Contact Information

Aritra Banerjee

Defence Correspondent at SSBCrack.

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