Hey, guys, I’m Ashish Singh I got recommended for NCC SPL (Army) in my 9th attempt. Here are the details of my previous SSB:-
- TGC- S/O
- Navy GS(X)- C/O
- SSCT51- S/O
- Navy GS(X)- C/O
- SSCT52- S/O
- NCC45- C/O
- TGC- S/O
- NCC46- Rec
- SSCT53- Rec
I have tried to keep the personal story short and add footnotes at the end of each section, especially for repeaters.
( 4 April 19, NCC entry around 250 reported Allahabad)
Day 1:
- OIR–
(did 75/80)
Both set contain a mix of non verbal and verbal. Time given was 17 min.
Try to maximum as no negative marking is there.
Practice from RS Agrawal.
Myth- Only screened in one’s oir is checked.
In image a uniformed guy in front whose face wasn’t shown was carrying an AK-47 in his hand, there were 3 women in background who were working in a field.
Wrote a story about young Lt carrying out ci/ct ops in valley after getting inputs from local villagers. Total time was 5 min (1min to write details+ 4min story)
- Observe image clearly (head count, sex, mood)
- Listen to small details while briefing.
- Make reasonable assumptions if picture is too hazy.
- Avoid using direct adjectives (brave, smart) action part of story will cover that.
- Practice writing at home for better speed and accuracy.
- Practice 2-3 diff themes on an image.
- 10% intro (what lead to) 80% action (what’s happening now) 10% (outcome).
- Don’t force a positive story on a obvious serious image.
- No wishful thinking (became engineer, got posted in his village and made bridge overnight.
Stared with individual narration, finished within 40sec. It was one of the worst fish markets I have seen and that too in April’s Allahabad heat, everyone was drenched. Group of 22 were made. The group was divided into half, while one discussed other was quite. Spoke 3-4 times in discussion was able to help group decide theme and no. of characters after a minute discussion was called off and we were told to wait for results.
28 got screened in.
- Stay calm during discussion.
- Be precise in your argument and avoid cliché statements.
- Try to calm group in fish market situation.
- Avoid unnecessary contradictions until required.
DAY 2:
Psychological Testing
We were given 11 set of images, made story within time limit (4min/each), each image was shown for 30sec. 12 was blank wrote that. Rules for writing were same as that of ppdt except mentioning no. of characters, sex etc.
- Practice writing at home with time constraints.
- Follow same approach as of ppdt.
60 set of words were flashed for 15 sec each. U have to read and write within those 15 sec. Did 58/60
- Practice at home in advance.
- Never mug up responses from book or other sources.
- Write first thing pops in your head.
- Using or writing shown word is not necessary.
- If u don’t get any idea move on to next.
60 set of situations were given and time given was 30min. Did 36/60
- Don’t write mugged up responses.
- Write exact response which u would have done in that situation.
- Practice is required for attempting more.
- Don’t write anything for sake of achieving 60/60.
Self Description-
There were 5 sections to be written what parents, teachers/employer (for working candidate), friends think about u and what kind of person u wanna be. Total time was 15 min.
- Take honest opinion of parents, teacher, friends etc.
- Be specific and don’t write in points and listing all adjectives.
- Prepare in advance, practice if writing speed is slow.
After that our documents were verified. We were told about interviews schedules, I was allotted day 3(next day).

People who didn’t had interviews went out, I was sleeping in barracks at 5pm duty NCO came and told me to get ready for interview as there was still time for one more candidate( I thought I should have gone out too 😉 ). President Sir was going to take my interview( nervousness shot up) with still half slept mind. After 15min I was called in. Entered the room, to my surprise sir were really cool.
I/o- “So Ashish, guess u r not so lucky today.”
Me- “Why sir ?”
I/o- “I woke u up from sweet dream”.
Me- “Not a problem sir, I’ll sleep early today”.
*both smiling*
After 15 min of informal chit chat interview ‘started’.
I/o- “So u do cycling good, what is angle of attack?”
I was taken back for a moment, as I was in Air Ncc this was expected I gave all the answer regarding aircraft and fathers unit.
Then interview was shifted to personal life questions took a lot of time there were multiple rapid fires with 8-9 question that too numeral times. Then came time when we shifted to high gear for last 15min.
I/o- “why monkey doesn’t gets shock while walking on wire?”
Me- told
I/o- what is earthing? (my branch is electronics so expected).
Me- told
Then a series of questions I couldn’t answer- Asian games and other sports related questions. Then I gave my reason for same. Then he asked me to give topics.
I/o- ok what all u have prepared.
Me- international affairs
i/o asked about following Iran nuclear deal, Israel issue, Russia Ukraine crisis, Kashmir problem solutions, Venezuela.
Me- Answered all in details, i/o was little satisfied.
I/o-Explain Bernoulli’s theorem.
Me- Told
I/o- are u sure?
Me- yes sir
i/o- You are wrong.
Then our conversation went for 5min and got heated up so was I, at 6:30pm in a ac room I was sweating. I never had such interview in past I was sure I’m not gonna make it this time too and I tried to respond in calm manner (which actually helped). After it was over I came out disappointed and actually checked for ticket back home 😉
- Prepare current affairs and other topic mentioned in PIQ.
- Stay calm even if it is not going well(remember they don’t hate u 😉
- Be honest about your details such as exams and attempts.
- Never lie, it’s never smooth down that road.
- Don’t mug up just before interview just relax in waiting area.
I tried to forget about interview and carried out gto without any hesitation or nervousness. After briefing we started.
Group Discussion
Group of 9 were made, my group was really calm as compared to others and we heard more noise from other groups. Both topic were general and everyone spoke well I was surprised with level of coordination that to in a group of repeaters. My confidence shot up thinking I can cover up with gto. Topic was reason for poor education system in India and 3 sub points. We voted for topic in 1st gd and everyone agreed. I spoke abt 4-5 times each and gave reasonable points and examples with statistics and group agreed.
- Read current affairs issue, editorials to widen horizon.
- Stay calm all the time let other speak too.
- Don’t start unnecessary arguments.
- Avoid repeating what somebody else told.
- We get limited chances so don’t waste with “gto sir has given very good topic”.
- Listen to instructions carefully.
A sheet was given with details of various tasks to be executed simultaneously. We wrote the plan individually in 10min and then discussed the solution. There were multiple ideas and corrections in plan then I was nominated to give group solution.
- Stay calm during discussion and listen to others point.
- Give logical and doable plan.
- Don’t give personal story in conclusion.
Group Obstacle Race (GOR)-
All 3 groups were briefed about various obstacles, each team was told to decide a war cry. After successfully doing all obstacles we were able to solve all the obstacles with few penalties, but our team won and made sure other teams know that.
Progressive Group Task (PGT)-
Our team was briefed about the entire obstacle we have to solve and told about various rules while going through obstacles like rules of color, rigidity and physical force. We were stuck at few places but with help of others we got through. We completed 3/4 set of obstacles. There was confusion at last obstacle as people ran out of ideas and got impatient.
- Stay calm all the time don’t argue.
- First think then give ideas and help others.
- Avoid breaking rules and keep others in check too, do
- Whatever penalties are instructed if rule is broken.
Each candidate was to speak on any 1 of 4 given topics of varying difficulties. Time for preparation was 3 min and we have to speak for 3 min. There was a warning bell at 2:30 and again 3:00. Everyone spoke well. My topic was Middle East Crisis.
- Organize your thoughts properly before starting intro, body and conclusion.
- Maintain a good body posture, be loud and clear.
- Try to finish within time limit.
- Topics are general in nature and list is available at ssbcrack.com prepare in advance.
- Practice public speaking at school/college if u feel the need.
Half group Task (HGT)-
We were divided in two teams and were told to solve similar set of obstacle as that in PGT. Group did well and we were able to solve it quickly.
Day 3 ended and we went out to explore the city.
Day 4 (GTO-2)
Individual Obstacle-
A set of 10 obstacles were there which to be done within 3 min and you can repeat if all are covered. We were given about 30 sec to observe obstacles. I did 12, as it was NCC batch so everyone managed to do 9 or more.
- Make a clear plan on how u will execute it.
- If u get stuck for long time move to other and come back later.
- Avoid red color on obstacle and running on commando walk.
Command Task-
We all were briefed, GTO would call us one by one and we will call 2 subordinates of our choice. I was called 6 times as subordinate. During my time I was given task of moderate difficulty and was able solve all, the GTO increased difficulty by reducing helping material.
- Don’t give hints as subordinate until asked.
- Make full use of resources, avoid manual force.
- Stay calm during entire process.
Final Group Task-
Instructions were same as that of PGT but only few obstacles were there. We were able to solve all of them quickly, after the task we were debriefed.
// End of day 4, went out that day //
DAY 5 (D-Day)
The atmosphere was tense but we were happy and made a lot of new friends. We were lined up for conference; I waited a bit longer about 5 min. As soon as I entered I greeted the President.
President – “ So, ashish u are smiling u think u did good this time ?”
Me- “Yes Sir” //nervous tone due to flashbacks of PI//
President- “Tell me 4 diff things u learned from here ?”
Me- Did // was told to leave//
After waiting Pysc came for results with no folder of paper //suspected washout//. He gave valuable advise then gave results my CH no was called and then another we both shook hands and then everyone came to congratulate then I felt light headed as I realized I finally got recommended.
I cleared my medicals and got AIR-40 in NCC (army) and AIR-1 in SSCT53.
I’m joining OTA in October.
- Keep going, u never know when will be your lucky day, even if u didn’t u wont regret that u missed your chance.
- Go prepared every time learn from previous mistakes; try learning something new every day. Don’t increase your attempts unnecessarily.
- For first timers this is your best shot, don’t go casually.
- For all hardcore repeaters just remember why you started.
- Read articles on various topics on ssbcrack.com.
“Jai Hind, Keep charging”
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