Indian army’s official website has published the cutoff marks for SSC tech 54 Men course. Based on the cut off marks, candidates are shortlisted for the SSB interview for the SSC tech 54 courses which are going to commence in April 2020 at OTA Chennai. Candidates who have applied for the Indian army SSC tech entry can check the SSC Tech 54 Cut Off Marks and find their name in the list of shortlisted candidates. Candidates are advised to select their SSB interview dates for SSC tech 54 by visiting join Indian army website. SSBCrack congratulates all the aspirants who are shortlisted for the SSC Tech 54 SSB Interview. SSC 25 Tech Women Indian Army Cut Off Marks
SSC Tech 54 Cut Off Marks
- Least cut off marks 50%
- Highest cut off marks 70% Mechanical Engineering.
- Notified Vacancies: 175
- If you are shortlisted then you are required to select the SSB interview date on join indian army website.
- Candidates must note that for induction to Pre Commission Training Academy, after final selection, the minimum educational qualification is passing BE/B.Tech degree in the Engineering streams notified below at Para 3. To become eligible for induction into SSC(Tech)-54 (Men) and SSC(Tech)-25 (Women) course at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, candidates studying in final year of engineering must ensure that he/she submits the proof of passing engineering degree exam by 01 Apr 2020 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled.
IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
- Current Affairs for All
Hello As in the advertisement of ssc tech 54, it is mentioned that final year appearing or passed out students can apply but students in final year (7th sem) will have the final exam of 8th sem in may 2020 so there result will not be declared till 1 April 2020, but in ssb call letter they asked for a Bonafide from college that ensure result will be declare till 1 April 2020 and this is not possible at any cost for the students who are in 7th sem currently so these students can go for ssb interview or not or any another way .
Pllz tell me as soon as possible
how to check whether i am shortlisted or not?
Any one having the shortlist please share the link..
how to check whether i am shortlisted or not?
Hi sir, I have cleared the cut off but my date selection link is not showing up neither I received the mail from joinindianarmy portal also the roll number has not been generated yet like earlier times, to whom I should raise the concern for the same?
Please help.
I am also selected for interview, but interview location is allahabad,though I am from Chennai.R u sure about Chennai? .., does any person got that location ?