The Central Armed Police Force’s (CAPF) deployed along the volatile ‘Red Corridor’ in Central India are expecting a surge in Naxalite violence in the coming months following intel inputs. Intelligence Agencies have cautioned Police and CAPF personnel deployed there about the recruitment of over 250 Naxal cadres into the Central Military Commission. The CMC is the premier fighting arm of the Communist Party of India (Maoist).

The security forces are preparing for a counter-offensive to thwart the expected Naxalite ambushes. The intelligence sources have predicted that the attacks will take place between November 2018 to April 2020. The ministry has stated that “During this period Naxalites launch tactical counter-offensive campaign during which they conduct a maximum number of strikes.”

The focus of the attacks is likely to remain on the ‘Red Corridor.’ Security forces and police personnel deployed there are on a state of high alert.

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