
Eight Apache Attack Helicopters Pressed Into Service In The Indian Air Force

By Aritra Banerjee

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In a significant boost to the Indian Air Forces offensive capabilities, Eight Boeing Aerospace designed Apache AH-64 Guardian Attack helicopters have been inducted into the IAF. The elite attack choppers were inducted into the service by the current Air Force Chief, BS Dhanoa. Following a formal ceremony held at the Pathankot Air Force Station.

Apache helicopters flying in formation

Eight helicopters as part of the first batch out of 22 have entered into the IAF’s upgraded arsenal, with the remaining 14 to be inducted in a phased manner by the year 2020. The procurement of the uber-sophisticated attack choppers is a result of a procurement contract between the IAF, Boeing Aerospace and the United States government.

Apache 2
IAF Chief BS Dhanoa and other IAF officers inaugurating the newly inducted chopper

The Apaches will enhance joint operations with the ability to conduct precision airstrikes and support boots on the ground. The procurement of the lethal weapon system will pack a punch to the IAF’s ageing arsenal.

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Aritra Banerjee

Defence Correspondent at SSBCrack.

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