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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended For OTA Chennai Indian Army

Recommended For OTA Chennai Indian Army

“I have been ready since the day I was born” – Major David Manlun. Hello to all defense aspirants. My name is Ranjan Bohra. I recently got recommended for OTA  110 course from 19 SSB Allahabad (Prayagraj). Friends it is true SSB is no cakewalk but trust me it is not rocket science either. I have been a mediocre student throughout my academics with little accomplishments in essay writing and debate competition. I scored just 57% in my graduation that too from non-science field. I grew up in the army environment so the charisma of uniform had always attracted me and I always imagined myself as an officer with closed as well as open eyes. Now when I am on my way to academy I would like to share some questions that were asked to me that I found tricky (i am not sharing my answers as I do not want to manipulate your thought process).


1. You have done b.com so how your qualification will help you in an organisation like Army?

2. How has yellow journalism affected our democracy?

3. I can see in your PIQ that your mother is a businesswoman and earns very well. So why you still want to join the army?

4. Tell me two incidents that changed your life entirely.

5. (I being a repeater) What went wrong last time?

And it might sound simple but isn’t, as the following question gives a very deep perspective of Candidates thoughts about life.


During GD in GTO tasks I gave my points at the same time I also gave the opportunity to my fellow brothers who were not getting chance to speak – I said: “OK gentlemen lets hear out chest number 14(he and I got recommended)”. “Let’s give chest number 19 an opportunity I guess he has some good points, go ahead gentlemen” an so on.

During PGT, HGT, FGT I gave some workable suggestions only as of the balli, fatta, rope and load I was not having in my hands. I did 16 individual obstacles.

During command task, the GTO kept on raising the level of difficulty by saying “OK gentlemen it is red now, now do it”

“Ok now another approach”

“OK now another approach and this time you only have 30 seconds after that the boat will sink, I maintained my calm, when I was unable to come up with workable idea in 30 seconds I said to my subordinates “OK gentlemen now the boat has sunk down start swimming, i will pull you out in no time, just hang in there” GTO started laughing.


My only suggestion to my brothers and sisters preparing for same will be-

– Be true to yourself, don’t listen to gyani babas( you will find them everywhere)

– Do believe in your dreams and work upon it, because they do come true.

– Read as much as you can, enhance your knowledge, it will help you in GD during GTO tasks as well as personal interview.

– There is an ample amount of study material available in SSBCrack that will surely guide you. I myself practised my lecture topics from this site. It was really helpful.

And lastly

– Never be disheartened by the past, academics or otherwise.

As VIRUS in 3 idiots movie said

“Pull up your socks, put your foot on the accelerator and make history”

Wish you all the very best for the future.

Thank you for reading. Hope this helps you out, Jai hind.


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