Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to take part in the G-7 Summit today. The Indian head of state has been personally invited by French president Emanuel Macron. The invitation has been described the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to as “reflection of personal chemistry between the two leaders and the recognition of India as a significant economic power.”
What Is The G7?
The Group of Seven or G7 is an international conference between seven of the worlds most developed countries. In which world leaders discuss important economic and geopolitical issues, coming to mutually agreed policies. The central theme of this years summit is ‘Combating Inequality.’
The PM’s Expected Itinerary
PM Modi arrived at Biarritz in France on 25 August following his three-nation tour of France, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain. The Indian leader is expected to be a part of two G7 sessions, with the morning sessions of the summit to revolve around Climate, Biodiversity, Oceans and the afternoon session on Digital Transformation. PM Modi will also have personal interactions with various world leaders to enhance bilateral ties.
The Indian Prime Minister will be meeting the United States, Donald Trump, at around 3 pm. Where they are likely to discuss, the Kashmir issue and the regional implications following the repeal of article 370 among other issues of mutual relevance.
PM Modi is also likely to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the two representatives of the other two specially invited counties, President of Senegal Macky Sall and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.
India’s invite to the G7 Summit goes a long way in the countries road to becoming a global superpower.
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