Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday had announced a series of significant reforms in the Indian Army. The reforms based on the inputs of senior military personnel and internal studies will serve to transform the army into a leaner and meaner fighting force.
The defence minister has announced the creation of a vigilance cell to look into complaints of corruption and impropriety against personnel of the Indian Army. The anti-corruption body will come under the direct authority of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and will be headed by an Additional Directorate General (ADG), who is a Major General rank officer, reporting solely to the COAS.
The vigilance cell will have Tri-service representation, constituting three colonel level officers from the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force.
At present, the Army Chief’s vigilance roles are through multiple agencies with no single point of contact. These reforms are aimed to address that.
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When I will join Indian army 🔥 that time I will never afraid to die 😏