Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Sighs security cover has been downgraded from the Special Protection Group (SPG) to Z+ Security provided by the Central Reserve Police Forces (BSG) unit.
All Prime Ministers, former PM’s and their immediate family are provided with an SPG security detail.
What is SPG?
The Special Protection Group is an elite VVIP protection unit Under the Cabinet Secretariat, providing close protection to present and former heads of state along with their families.
Reason Given By the Home Ministry:
According to a statement made by the Ministry of Home Affair on the matter “The current security cover reviews a periodical and professional exercise based on the threat perception which is purely based on a professional assessment.” The home ministry further elaborated “Dr Manmohan Singh continues to have Z+ security cover provided by the CRPF.”
Dr Singh is the only living former PM to have his security cover reduced. The former PM will now have a similar security profile with leading industrialist Mukesh Ambani.
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