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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCracked SSB Interview In 7th and Last Attempt

Cracked SSB Interview In 7th and Last Attempt

“If you haven’t failed, you haven’t won”. JAI HIND to future warriors. I am Bhanu Pratap Singh from Jodhpur, Rajasthan. I recently got recommended from 17 SSB, Bangalore for SSC/JAG 23rd Course, OTA in my 7th and last attempt. I was always hopeful and confident that one day I will be having this privilege to write my success story on this page. SSBCRACK has been my constant confidante. Reading the success stories of recommended candidates was always cherishing and motivating. I am specially writing this piece of experience for hardcore repeaters like myself who never laid down their weapons in pursuit of the goal.



The charm for uniform has been a historical phenomenon in my family. My father is serving officer in rajasthan police. He always had a dream to join the army but due to personal reasons he couldn’t. I am extremely happy to suffice his desire and make him proud. As a child I was fascinated towards the grumbling sound of army trucks and the aura of officers in their shining olive green. At a very early age I decided which path I would take in my life. But life does not work out the way we want. I wrote NDA examination and could not clear the same. I did not let my heart grow weak so after guidance I opted for law as a career. Immediately after I graduated in 2016 the series of SSB attempts started.

1st attempt – S/O

2nd attempt – C/O

3rd attempt – C/O

4th attempt – C/O

5th attempt – C/O

6th attempt – C/O

7th attempt – RECOMMENDED


Total of 98 candidates reported on DAY 1. I was allotted chest no. 68. Screening has never been an issue with me because I perform well in the OIR test, write an innovative story in PPDT and effectively participate in the Group Discussion. I believe a different framing of a story including planned actions can be a game changer in screening. Be loud, assertive yet humble and screening will be a cake walk. 28 candidates were screened in and I was allotted chest no.21

OIR Test eBook SSBCrack


In my humble opinion, I believe TAT is the most important test of all in the psychological test series. Previously I committed mistakes in TAT by deliberately writing stories totally in contrast to my personality. I used to focus on bringing OLQ’s in all the stories. With time and good guidance I corrected this mistake and this time I wrote stories revolving around my experiences which I have undergone in 26 years of my life without giving due regard to bringing OLQ’s. I think the psychologist is well efficient to do that part. Therefore, TAT is a manifestation of your experiences and ideology which culminates into framing of a basic idea about an individual. So be honest and free while writing stories. Try to relate it with the PIQ form which you had already filled.

WAT was by far the most easiest of all. I wrote my genuine reactions on the displayed word without any regard to beauty of sentence. For eg: TEASE – Teasing friends is fun. It was a genuine reaction as I do enjoy troubling my friends.

SRT is a tricky affair. I managed to do 42 SRT’s but focused on quality and complete reaction. Just be genuine and keep responses practical. There is no right or wrong answers in SRT. It is just your personal reaction to a situation.

I completed my self description within time and wrote genuine opinions of my parents, employers, friends etc. Accept your shortcomings and write what measures you are taking to improve them.

DAY 3 & 4 GTO

I have always enjoyed GTO testing. My power of expression is my greatest strength and it proved handy in GTO. We were 10 as a group and all were repeaters so without a doubt there was a chaos in group discussion. I made sure that I spoke 4-5 times without interruption and with high assertiveness. Similarly in GPE I gave 2-3 valid points and sat back keeping my composure. I did not forget to smile within that chaotic situation. A smile can change the entire course of discussion. Do not let your ground get away and be confident.

PGT was a mess too. Our GTO was extremely frustrated after our group’s violent participation. I gave 2 ideas in PGT which worked and the other time I helped others to execute their ideas. I felt I was sidelined by everybody but I didn’t let my composure go away and maintained the smile.

In the HGT, I was able to give many ideas and I utilized the given opportunity. Until this time I was confident that the GTO has been watching me with expectation so I gave my best.

My lecturette topics to my surprise were below normal. Other candidates spoke on very interesting topics and I was busy gazing into that pad. During the 3 minute time for preparation for the topic, I was still deciding until almost 2 minutes had passed. My topics were-

  1. My favourite teacher
  2. My favourite subject
  3. My favourite player
  4. Smart phones

I chose smart phones to speak on and efficiently handled it by bringing day to day examples. I was satisfied with my lecturette.

I personally did the highest individual obstacles counting all my previous attempts. I did 14 individual obstacles with ease. It is important to enjoy the obstacles as the GTO is more concerned about your attitude towards obstacles.


My command task was a bit tricky and by looking at the GTO’s reaction I was confident that I have a fair chance of clearing the GTO testing. The GTO took a short interview before explaining the task. He asked me about my current job, my hobbies, my reason to join the army, why I was not recommended previously etc. After much difficulty I could clear the command task and I was happy.


My interview was taken by the President of the Board. Previously I always feared the interview. I used to come under pressure and under perform. But this time I prepared myself with a notion that “I AM HERE TO GIVE MY BEST AND I WILL NOT CARE FOR THE RESULT”. This strategy worked and my interview went extremely smooth and comfortable. My prior preparation of current affairs proved to be a game changer.

IO:  So bhanu you mentioned that international relations is your favourite subject. Now tell me starting from east to west as to how many countries are facing acute civil war like situations. And also tell me the name of their president’s.

I was able to answer all the countries and he was satisfied.

IO:  Your father is in police service. Why don’t you continue the legacy?

IO: Tell me your father’s weakness.

IO: Why were you not recommended? Do you deserve to serve in the army?

I maintained my composure and smile during the interview despite persistent pressure imposed on me. I was honest and humble and displayed improvement.


Finally the day which brings hope, excitement and despair. We were dressed up in our formal attire and could see candidates praying to the almighty. I was relatively calm and composed. The conference soon started and when chest no. 20 left the conference room then suddenly my heart began to pump in a crazy way. That rush inside my heart was extremely loud and my ears were hot and could not hear anything. After a wait of 5-6 minutes, the buzzer went off and I walked in with heads held high and chest throttled up. The president was not present so I wished the deputy president who was a colonel and sat down. I was asked 3 questions:

  1. Bhanu, if you are made the Chief Justice of India for 2 days, what measures will you take to improve the judicial system of our country?

I replied giving 5 points and he seemed satisfied.

  • Bhanu, as a lawyer how will you help a college student who has been subjected to ragging?

I mentioned the steps and he further asked me to justify so I did successfully.

  • Bhanu, if you get recommended which regiment you would opt for in future?

I replied Sir, I would choose Gorkha Rifles.

He asked why gorkha?

I replied sir, my family members and friends say that I look like a gorkha since my childhood. So this constant reminder unconsciously fascinated me towards learning about the grit and valour of the mighty gorkha’s.

He stopped me right there, pat his hand on the table and the entire board members laughed.  He then wished me good luck and I was dismissed.


The psychologist who conducted our tests came with the result. He was a Lieutenant Colonel. I have never seen such a true gentleman walking in his well creased, ironed uniform and his charming personality in the olive green impressed everybody in the room. He started calling the chest numbers. 3 candidates were already called and they stood near him. I thought that’s it. This is the end. Immediately the idea of alternate career engulfed my head and with hopeful eyes, I looked again. He took a deep breath and announced CHEST NO.21. HELL YEAH. I stood up with little drops of tears in my eyes, walked towards him, said my name and stood by. I stood shocked, surprised, happy and tons of other emotions ran throughout my body. As soon as the psychologist left the room, I cried like a baby. The failures of previous attempts flashed before my eyes. The struggle was real and it was worth it. My friends hugged me and congratulated. I could not hold my ground for at least half an hour. Finally, hard work paid off. BEING RECOMMENDED IN THE LAST ATTEMPT HAS ITS OWN ADVENTURE. Thanks to my parents and friends who always believed in my capabilities. I want to thank Rajpal Singh Rathore Sir who showed me the correct path in this journey. And the entire team of SSBCRACK.COM who constantly push candidates to perform. I am declared medical fit and waiting for the merit list. JAI HIND.


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