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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceCracked SSB Interview In 12th Attempt

Cracked SSB Interview In 12th Attempt

If you are reading this then I am pretty sure you are already in for a hell of a ride who did not give up and made it in his 12th attempt. I have seen everything and have felt every emotion that an armed forces aspirant goes through. I have slept on platforms, dormitory, travelled in general compartments, slept in the alley of the sleeper trains, woken up with dreams of getting recommended, left important team-client meetings and exams for SSBs and finally cried for an hour on getting recommended.
Repeated failed attempts had exhausted me and I was nearing the last eligible age limits. I always tried to give my best to improve my personality traits according to the demands of ssb and every decision or action I took in my profession and personal life revolved around this.


According to me, SSB is a reflection of our life. Thinking of being good in only 5 days of SSB process won’t fetch you recommendation. The personality is required to be analysed and moulded based on your weakness and it does not happen overnight as it takes time. Anyone can clear SSB based on two conditions. First one is, those who clear SSB in is the first attempt had OLQs since an early age. The second one is, those who take various attempts have to mould there personality thereby practicing OLQs in their day to day life to earn a recommendation.

Almost in every closing ceremony of screening and conference results the assessors use to advise us to be professional as much as you can and I strived to be professionally competent and mentally robust day by day thereby earning 1st bucket in two consecutive years at my office. Giving my best each and every day made me become the best version of my self every passing day. I always believed that what I am doing is getting me closer to the recommendation. 


Since last three years I have been actively participating in half marathons, 1k run, 5k run, 15k run, 20k cycling, and 50k cycling championships and following up with my hobbies of reading books and photography to have a dynamic personality. Sacrifices done in the past will be paid in the future is what I always believed into and that made me stay out of my comfort zone every second.

Now I would like to share my experience in 5 days SSB process 
Day 1:-350 candidates reported on the first day. Screening process started and we were made to go through verbal and non-verbal test series. I tried to complete as many as I can by maintaining focus and consistency. Then we were shown a picture to which we had to right the action and a story within 4 minutes. What here I would like to suggest is make a practical and reasonable story and try to relate the story with ur real-life experiences or else try to keep the main character in place of you and think what you could have done using your utter common sense if you were kept in place of him. The results were announced. Total 40 candidates got screened in and I was allotted chest no. 39.

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Day2:-We were already briefed by CHM to report at 6:30 am for our psychology test. Test started and we were shown 11 pictures followed by a blank story. Absolutely and accurate observation is the key to TAT. I tried my best to reflect the actions and emotions shown in the picture to be seen in my stories. I was able to relate most of the stories with my hobbies and work-life thereby maintaining the soul theme of the story. According to me, WAT is a reflection of ur qualities and characteristics. Try to maintain the response to words shown in WAT revolving around your personality. Be professional and reasonable when it comes to SRT and try to maintain the consistency of ur responses throughout as many situations will be repeated with minimal modifications. SD is a reflection of our personality and can be prepared well in advance.

Day3:-We reported for GTO at 6:30 am. Topics were given and we were made to discuss them. Key to GD is politeness and etiquette when you deliver your point and general awareness to add weight to your points. In GPE you need to be a problem solver who is good in tactical, administrative, organisational and planning abilities. Read instructions carefully and mentally note down minute details including time and distance. Ensure the resources available at your disposal are utilised to the maximum. Speak deliberately and ensure that the whole group is listening to you. Try to be a spokesperson for your group. In PGT plan and make appropriate use of other members of the group, give them responsibility without bossing over them keeping in view the principle- the right man for the right job. Never lose temper or shout at others but be patient and careful and show a friendly and cordial approach. In snake race during our first obstacle, we were at last to finish but finished up with the first position with utter cooperation. Then for the HGT maintain cooperation and coordination with the group members. In LECTURETTE  command over language is required added by awareness to it. Remember your introduction must be interesting, the main body put across in a logical, systematic and forceful manner and the conclusion natural and brief.

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Day4:- It started with individual obstacles and I managed to complete 13. In CT I had a long conversation with GTO for about 20minutes in which he asked about my job, personal life, achievements, hobbies, interests, what improvements I made and how I overcame difficulties and obstacles at my profession and personal life. The difficulty level of CT was high and somehow I managed to complete it. Whole group coordination was shown in FGT.

My interview was scheduled on the 4th day after GTO. I dressed up and went for the interview. The whole interview was based on my PIQ. The interview is a clear reflection of what you are in real life. Try to be as much as professionally competent and responsible as much as you can in your day to day like. Take your time and do concentrated research on your hobbies and interests. Improving your personality is a dynamic process that will make you sail through the interview. My interview lasted for about an hour.

Day 5:- It didn’t take even more than a min after the call of the last candidate and I was called in. I started thinking it can a straight no or yes. I even started playing my journey back home when I was walking to the conference room. The IO  asked me how do I relate my real-life experience with SSB the followed by my stay in SSB and food. The psychologist came and announced my chest no. 39 and tears started rolling down my eyes. I had a glimpse of the long struggle I have been to and cried for half an hour. Called my father who is a serving JCO in Indian Air Force that main recommend ho gaya and I am gonna be the first officer in my family.


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