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NotificationArtificer ApprenticeThe Indian Navy - Sailors for Artificer Apprentice (AA) Notification Feb 2020...

The Indian Navy – Sailors for Artificer Apprentice (AA) Notification Feb 2020 Batch, Eligibility, Selection Procedure, Exam Details, Salary, Vacancies

A very good opportunity for the youngsters who completed their 10+2 recently and willing to serve the nation with pride and honor by joining the Indian Navy as a Sailor for Artificer Apprentice (AA). No other organization provides this opportunity to recruit youngsters as a part of their growth and make them build and guard the nation in any condition. Online applications are invited from unmarried male candidates (who fulfill eligibility conditions as laid down by the Government of India) for enrolment as sailors for AA. Online applications are invited from unmarried male candidates (who fulfill eligibility conditions as laid down by the Government of India) for enrolment as sailors for AA for 500 vacancies (Approximately) respectively in the Feb 2020 batch.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) VACANCIES: To all the defense aspirants who are willing to join in the Indian Navy this notification helps them out and gives a chance to appear the examination and grab the opportunity to serve the nation. Try to apply this notification we SSBCrack are here to support you guys and to guide the defense aspirant.

POSTNo of Vacancies
Sailor for Artificer Apprentice (AA)500

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: As compared to other professions in the civilian world, the Indian Navy has a great deal to offer to young men. In the Indian Navy, sailors are the main workforce to run. This article about the sailors will help you to know the eligibility criteria intimated by the Indian Navy.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: The candidates who completed their 10+2 examination with 60% or more marks in aggregate with Maths & Physics and at least one of these subjects: Chemistry/Biology/Computer Science from the Boards of School Education recognized by MHRD, Govt. of India.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) AGE LIMIT: Candidates should be born between 01 Feb 2000 to 31 Jan 2003 (Both dates inclusive). The Indian Navy chooses young unmarried male candidates as sailors because they have a great learning attitude and they can excel in their role.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) SELECTION PROCEDURE: As per the regular guidelines are given by the Ministry of Defence, the Indian Navy follows a systematic and transparent manner to recruit the candidates. ” A person claiming rapport with the officials of the Naval Recruitment Organisation may promise to get a candidate recruited and on the pretext may collect money.” WE WOULD LIKE TO ASSERT THAT SUCH A THING IS NOT POSSIBLE. CLACs will only be issued by IHQ MoD(N). Approach the police and lodge FIR in the case of any harassment by touts. Before succumbing to the promises of any agent think twice! If you think that you can get the things done unlawfully, you are bound to lose! You are advised to conduct yourself as a law abiding citizen of the country and refrain from using unfair means.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection procedure consists of the following phases:

  • Computer Based Exam (CBE)
  • Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
  • Medical Examination (ME)
  • Merit List

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) COMPUTER BASED EXAM DETAILS: To filter the candidates applied and attended the first phase of recruitment process easily the Indian Navy chooses Computer Based Test is the best option to evaluate and vanish the partiality and other modes of the discrepancy. With the help of technology, results will be declared very soon and the selection procedure is purely based on the merit of the candidate. The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2 Syllabus & sample papers for the examination is available on the website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in.

SubjectQuestions Marks
G.K 2525


The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type (multiple-choice). The duration of the examination will be for one hour. The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate. The Navy reserves the right to determine the pass marks in each Section and in aggregate. Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative
for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the question paper. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) PFT DETAILS: To join in the Indian Navy, the candidate must qualify in CBT then he will be eligible to attend the second phase of recruitment i.e., Physical Fitness Test. In the Physical Fitness Test, there are some tests examined by the officials of the Indian Navy. They are:

  • 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes
  • 20 squat ups (Uthak Baithak)
  • 10 Push-ups

NOTE: Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. Make sure the candidates prepare well before attending the PFT tests. Approximately
10000 candidates will be called for PFT.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Candidates should note that the medical examination will be conducted by the authorized military doctors as per the medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry.

  • Minimum height 157 cms
  • Weight and Chest should be proportionate.
  • Minimum chest expansion of 5 cms
  • The candidate must be in good physical and mental health

NOTE: Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be held at INS Chilka. Candidates who are found medically unfit will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at INHS Kalyani, Visakhapatnam within a maximum period of 21 days. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax, and tartar removed from teeth prior to the medical examination.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) IMPORTANT DATES: Every candidate should note the important dates of this particular notification before applying and after applying. Follow the official page of the Indian Navy and check the respective email id’s if any change in the dates and events you will be notified soon.

Application Start Date28 June 2019
Application Last Date10 July 2019
CBT Exam DateSep 2019
Admit Card Download DateBefore 1 week of exam
Result DateAfter 30 Days of exam

SAILOR FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) APPLY PROCEDURE: Candidates are requested to follow the below steps to apply for the above post.

  • Before filling online application, keep matric certificate & 10+2 Mark sheet ready for reference
  • Register yourself on www.joinindiannavy.gov.in with your e-mail ID, if not registered already
  • The Applicants must ensure that while filling their Application Form, they are providing their valid and active e-mail IDs and mobile numbers
  • “Log–in” with the registered E-mail ID and Click on “Current Opportunities”
  • Click on the Apply button
  • Fill up the Form completely. Before clicking the Submit button make sure all the details are correct, all required documents are scanned in original & uploaded.
  • The photograph to be uploaded should be of good quality with BLUE BACKGROUND
  • After submitting the application, take a print out of the submitted application and make sure it is preserved until the recruitment process is completed.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) EXAM FEE: Candidates (except SC/ST candidates, who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 205/- (Rupees Two hundred five only) through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) TRAINING DETAILS: The training for the course will commence in Feb 2020, with 09 weeks for AA Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch/ Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service.

SAILORS FOR ARTIFICER APPRENTICE (AA) PAY SCALE: During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 21,700- ₹69,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable) plus X Group pay {only for Artificer Apprentice (AA)} @ Rs. 6200/- per month plus DA (as applicable).

The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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