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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended for Indian Coast Guard Service in 1st Attempt

Recommended for Indian Coast Guard Service in 1st Attempt

Hello Friends, I am Mansi Shelar from Nashik, Maharashtra. Recently, I got recommended for the ICGS and am looking forward to be a proud member of the uninformed cadre of officers and serve our great Nation. I had started my preparation with ssbcrack website.  It gave me adequate inputs on various tests and how to prepare in great details. The experiences of successful students also gave useful tips in that direction. Hence, I thought of sharing my approach and experience on ssbcrack.com after getting recommended. I am a Mechanical Engineer and looking forward to a technical career in the armed forces. I wish to thank SSBCrack which guided me in preparation of tests, GK, current affairs and technology questions. Friends, I also wish to thank Brigadier Chande (retd), who is at Nashik, for his scientific guidance in various tests and for my overall personality development; which helped me to perform very confidently. He has been ex President, IO and Sr GTO in SSBs. I am sharing my Success Story so that many aspiring students can draw some benefits.


Initially, I had my preliminary selection board (PSB) on 17th December 2018. I went to Mumbai (Worli headquarters) for PSB. The OIR test comprised of 80 questions, these were on number series, blood relations, analogy, word formation, memorising numbers, etc being shown on the screen with each question having a specific time limit and had to be encircled in the OMR sheet. I had done real-time practices in Verbal and Non-Verbal sets of Intelligence and Reasoning Tests, which I procured from ssbcrack.com. They are very good sets and cover the entire spectrum. The results were announced and I was selected for PPDT. My picture was about a ‘lady sitting on the couch and thinking’. I wrote a story about her thought to become an officer and preparation for a competitive exam and doing well subsequently; which struck my mind at that moment. The discussion was quite smooth. I participated well in the formation of the group story. Spoken  English is very important, I realised. I was hopeful about my selection and I got selected for FSB.


After PSB there was a month gap for FSB. Being new to this field, I fetched material from ssbcrack.com and youtube. I also got reference of Brigadier Harish Chande sir who trained me very methodically in every aspect of SSB Tests along with gk, equipment knowledge, technology and current affairs.

On 3rd Feb,2019 I had my reporting for FSB:-

Day minus 1

Time of reporting was 3 pm. The following things happened:-

Document verification, Filling PIQ form, Allotment of rooms

Day 1:

We got our chest numbers on day 1. At around 10:am the psychology test started. It consisted of TAT (12 pictures), WAT (60 words), SRT (60 situations) and SDT.

TAT:  I wrote every story on positive theme, my central character was forthcoming, action oriented, doing something for the society and real time. I avoided imaginations and Bollywood type scripts. I was affirmative in my narration. Blank story was on an anti terrorism operation by a young police officer. I kept my English neat, without grammer and logic mistakes.

WAT: One must write proper association with the Word shown. Try to attempt all words, if not, at least above 55 words. Make positive and complete sentences.

SRT: I attempted 54 situations writing 3 reactions to each situation. Give logical responses and stick to reality. One must be in the situation while giving responses and not be imaginative.

SDT: I had prepared and practiced my SDT well before. So, I could write them all within the stipulated time.

Day 2:  Personal Interview

My interview was approximately for 50 min. Questions were based on my SDT and PIQ. Sir asked me few technical questions. I was also asked about the city I belong to. Here, I will say that speak correct, confident and be analytical in answers throughout your Interview.

Friends, I also suggest you not to be over confident, maintain eye contact with the interviewing officer and be genuine while giving answers to his probing questions.

Day 3:

GD: Avoid arguments and put up strong points smartly. Try to initiate the discussion.

GPE: Practice few group planning exercises before. Be precise in observing and go in minute details in the planning by making efficient use of the resources available.

Lecturette: There are 4 topics. I chose NITI AAYOG. Follow a pattern for your topic which includes its introduction, past, present and future along with the consequences and scopes. Prepare for few lecturette topics at home and practice in front of mirror in standing position.

Day 4: Board Conference:

Stay calm, just believe in your efforts and answer confidently. Questions asked to me at the conference were,

How was your stay? How many friends did you make? What did you do on your day off? Rate your performance? Any Suggestions?

My Recommendation at FSB is due to my scientific approach which I got from ssbcrack.com and personal guidance for my PD which I received from Brigadier Harish Chande, Nashik.

“ALL THE BEST to all the aspirants, work hard regularly and give your best”


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