CDS 2 2019 Notification – Finally good news for the aspirants who are waiting to join the regular Army, Navy and Air Force as an Officer. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published CDS 2 2019 notification on 12 June 2019 Wednesday. This is the second notification released by UPSC to conduct CDS 2 Exam in this year to fill more 417 vacancies in IMA, INA, AFA, OTA. You can check out CDS 2 2019 notification, eligibility criteria, Age limits, education qualification, exam dates, application procedure, selection procedure, syllabus and other details from the given details below. UPSC CDS 2 2019 exam will be conducted on September 8, 2019. Candidates can withdraw their application from July 15 to July 22.
CDS 2 2019 Eligibility Criteria: To apply CDS 2 2019 notification below is the CDS eligibility criteria for all the aspirants given by UPSC. Check the UPSC CDS 2 2019 Exam notification for more details. Check eligibility criteria given below, before going for registration. Candidates should read and understand the CDS 2 2019 notification thoroughly before applying. If you have doubts about the notification please try to read all the FAQs for the query you have. The SSBCrack support team is always there to clear all the doubts of a Defence aspirant. You can reach us through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blogs, Websites, and Youtube also.
CDS 2 2019 Age Limits: Age limits for the IMA, INA, AFA and OTA is very important. In every notification, we will find the difference of dates. Here we are providing the age limits for all the academies.
CDS 2 2019 Vacancies: Even this time as compared to CDS 1 2019 notification we have the same 417 vacancies released by UPSC this time in the CDS 2 2019 notification to join in the various prestigious academies like IMA, INA, AFA and OTA. Please find the below table to find the vacancies advertised in CDS 2 2019 notification.
CDS 2 2019 Important Dates:
CDS 2 2019 EVENTS | DATE |
CDS 2 2019 Application Start Date | 12 June 2019 |
CDS 2 2019 Application Last Date | 08 July 2019 |
CDS 2 2019 Exam Date | 08 Sep 2019 |
CDS 2 2019 Admit Card Download Date | Before 3 weeks of exam |
CDS 2 2019 Result Date (Expected) | Dec 2019 |
CDS 2 2019 SELECTION PROCEDURE: To join as an Officer in Army, Navy and Air Force the aspirant or the candidate should under go the three different stages/phases. This procedure of selecting the candidates for regular armed forces will be very critical and very challenging to the committee. Here is the selection procedure of CDS 2 2019.
- Written Examination
- SSB Interview
- Medical Examination
- Merit List
Each and every defense aspirant has to keep in mind that exam pattern followed by UPSC to conduct CDS 2 2019 examination will be very different compared to previous exam patterns and papers. We can’t even predict them. So, I would like to suggest to you, people, to refer to some books prepared by SSBCrack Team. Coming to the examination pattern please find the below table which will help you out to get clarity on the exam pattern of CDS 2 2019 exam.
(a) For Admission to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy:—
ENGLISH | 02 Hrs | 100 |
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE | 02 Hrs | 100 |
(b) For Admission to Officers’ Training Academy :—
ENGLISH | 02 Hrs | 100 |
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE | 02 Hrs | 100 |
To find the detailed syllabus download the official notification of CDS 2 2019 by UPSC.
As we discussed earlier the candidates who qualify in the written examination are requested to report for SSB interview on the date intimated to them in the call-up letter for interview. Requests for postponing interviews will only be considered in very genuine circumstances and that too if it is administratively convenient for which Army Headquarters/Air Headquarter/Naval HQ will be the sole deciding authority. Such requests should be sent to Selection Centre/SSB from where the call for SSB interview has been received. Navy candidates can download their call letters from the naval website or send an email at officer-navy” three weeks after publication of results.
CDS 2 2019 SSB Interview: Service Selection Board is the body which schedule, organize and conduct the SSB Interview of the candidates applying for Indian Military Forces. SSB Screens the candidates for the vacant posts in Army, Navy and Air Force. SSB Interview is five days long procedure which includes two stages of testing as stage I & stage II. Here, we will update the complete details about SSB Interview:
a) Stage- I : Screening test
- Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR)
- Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT)
b) Stage – II
- Psychology Tests
- Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO Tasks)
- Interview & Conference
CDS 2 2019 MEDICAL EXAM: Once the candidate is passed in the SSB interview, those candidates should undergo a detailed medical examination will be taken. Candidate should stay more 1 to 2 days at SSB Center to complete all the necessary formalities. To be medically fit the candidate should be fit both physically and mentally.
CDS 2 2019 FINAL MERIT LIST: After completing the medical tests, the final merit list will be released by the board. Based on the performance and medical examination candidates will be filtered.

CDS 2 2019 TRAINING: All candidates who are selected will be undergoing tough military training and will be deployed to perform military duties in any terrain, weather, and austere conditions. In such conditions ill health of any member of the team can jeopardize the military operations or endanger the life of the entire team, therefore medical examinations are carried to select candidates who are “Medically fit to perform military duties in any terrain, weather and austere conditions”
PAY SCALE: Cadets are authorized fixed stipend amounting to Rs. 21,000/- per month (Rs. 15,600/- pay in the pay band and Rs. 5,400/-as grade pay) during training. “On successful completion of training the stipend admitted will be converted as payment for all purposes. However, the period of training shall not be treated as a commissioned service.”

- Go to website
- Click on the link “Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2019” in What’s New section
- Enter Registration ID & Date of Birth and Submit
- Enter personal details and details of any Photo ID Proof – Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/PAN Card/Passport/Driving Licence/Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central Government
- Upload a scanned copy of the same Photo ID
- Upload Photograph & Signature
- Select examination center
- Fill Payment details and accept Declaration
- Final submit
- Download a copy of the application form for future use