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NotificationINETIndian Navy INET Exam, Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Question Papers 2020

Indian Navy INET Exam, Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Question Papers 2020

India Navy has introduced Indian Navy Entrance Test (Officers) for all graduate entries. INET (Officers) shall be conducted twice a year from September this year. University Entry Scheme(UES) & Combined Defence Services (CDS) entries will also continue. Indian Navy is going to start the online exam name INET (Indian Navy Entrance Exam) for the recruitment of the officer candidates. INET will be an online exam and earlier Indian navy used to recruit for officer candidate through NDA, CDS and few direct navy entries. INET will be a great opportunity for the candidates who were not able to make in other entries. The SSB interview call will be based on your INET score. Through INET, Indian navy will recruit for Naval Orientation Course (NOC) Regular – Pilot / Observer / Air Traffic Controller / Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre / Logistics / Education / Information Technology / Technical (Engineering & Electrical).


Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of Engineering Course in any of the above mentioned disciplines from a AICTE recognised educational institute can apply for branches/entries. The candidates will, however, be required to pass final examination (BE/B Tech) with a minimum 60% before joining INA. The candidates failing to meet minimum cut off %age will not be permitted to join INA Ezhimala. Candidates who have completed their degree on the date of filling the application can apply for all Branches / Entries.

  • Only one application is to be filled by a candidate.
  • Candidates who are eligible for more than one Branch/Cadre should mention their preferences in the application so as to be considered for other choices in case slots for SSBs in entries of their first choice are filled.
  • Candidates will be shortlisted for SSB based on their INET rank and their preference of choice.
  • However, if not shortlisted for the first preference you may be considered for alternate Branch/Cadre subject to availability of spare slots in SSB batches of that Branch/Cadre.
  • Once shortlisted for a Branch/Cadre, subsequent stages of selection process (SSB, medicals & meriting) will be exclusively for that Branch/Cadre only.
  • No equivalent stream of BE/ B.Tech other than that mentioned will be considered valid for selection process at any stage.

All candidates, whose applications are received by due date, will be called for Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) to be conducted in Aug 19 at one of the INET centres as per their choice, subject to availability of slots at that centre. Call up letters cum Admit Card for online examination indicating date, time and place, which is scheduled during Aug 2019 would be required to be downloaded from the official website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in tentatively by second week of Jul 19. Only Electronic mode of communication will be used while contacting the candidates at all stages of selection.


INET Syllabus INET exam will be of two hours duration. It will contain 100 Multiple Choice Questions comprising Questions on English, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, General Science, Mathematical Aptitude & General Knowledge. Each section will be of 100 marks with negative marking of one mark for incorrect answer.

Indian Navy INET English Syllabus

INET Navy Syllabus 2019

Vocabulary Usage:

  1. Synonyms and Antonyms â€“ Synonyms mean the words which have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. An Antonym is the opposite of another word. For example, the Antonym of day is night.
  2. Cloze Test â€“ This test consist of a passage with blanks and we have to complete the reading by filling up the blanks. Students should focus on reading the passage very carefully and then you’ll be able to figure out the right or appropriate words to be filled.
  3. Fill in the blanks â€“ Under this topic, you are required to find a suitable word to fill in. It constitutes questions which have only blanks. Remember to read the statement carefully and choose the most appropriate option.
  4. Spelling Test – Spelling skills can be improved mainly by putting in efforts like looking up a word you’re not sure of, keeping the dictionary at hand, keeping a list of words you know you have trouble with.
  5. Idioms and Phrases – The common question which was asked in the Exams are Idioms and Phrases. The topic usually has good weightage in the exam, so prepare them well.
  6. One-word substitution – One word substitution means a word that replace a group of words or sentences without creating or changing the exact meaning of sentences.
  7. Sentence or Phrase Improvement â€“ In terms of vocabulary usage, this topic means using appropriate words or phrases to improve the senctence given in the question.

Grammar Usage:

  1. Sentence correction/ Spotting the error â€“ Follow the grammar rules in  this section like subject-verb agreement, Verb time Sequences, etc
  2. Fill in the blanks – This section is dedicated to target or find a suitable word to fill in. It constitutes questions which have only blanks.
  3. Sentence or Phrase Improvement – This topic is just an extension of correct grammatical usage. However, in this section students not only require a good Knowledge of “correct grammatical usage,” but they also need to look for answers that are concise and not redundant.
  4. Active/ Passive Voice – In this topic, a sentence will be given in Active/ Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, you are required to select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active.
  5. Direct-Indirect Speech – In this topic, a sentence will be given Indirect/Direct Speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, you are required to select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

Reading Comprehension:

Reading Comprehension is one of the most critical topics of English Language and Comprehension Section. Therefore, the students should devote ample time in the preparation of this section. For doing this, a proper strategy has to be framed and followed to optimally utilize the limited time available for the preparation.

Sentence Rearrangement:

Sentence rearrangement is an important part of the English Language section in various competitive exams. It consists of a group of jumbled up sentences. The goal is to rearrange the sentences in the original sequence. Questions from this section can be asked in the form of various sentences and various paragraphs.

Indian Navy INET Numerical Ability and Mathematics Syllabus

  1. Simplification
  2. Number Series
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Average
  5. Interest
  6. Mensuration
  7. Percentage
  8. Ratio & Proportion
  9. Algebra
  10. Profit & Loss
  11. Time, Speed & Distance
  12. Time & Work
  13. Permutation & Combination / Probability
  14. Mixture Problems
  15. Number System

Indian Navy INET Reasoning Syllabus

  1. Cubes and dice
  2. Blood relations
  3. Critical reasoning
  4. Number and letter series
  5. Seating arrangement
  6. Venn Diagrams
  7. Clocks and Calendars
  8. Analytical reasoning
  9. Syllogism

Indian Navy INET English General Knowledge

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Defence
  3. General Science
  4. Computer Knowledge
  5. Polity & Governance
  6. Culture, Books & Awards
  7. Countries and Capitals
  8. Geography
  9. Dates and Committees
  10. Economy
  11. Science and Technology
  12. History
  13. Sports

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