Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday laid the foundation stone for a manufacturing unit of the AK-203/103 assault rifle at the Korwa ordnance factory in the Amethi district of Uttar Pradesh. The AK-203 is the latest and most advanced version of the legendary AK-47 rifle, the most abundant firearm the world has ever known. New Delhi and Moscow signed an inter-governmental agreement (IGA) in the third week of February to build the AK-203 in India. A formal contract is yet to be signed, but the first of an estimated 7,50,000 AK-203 rifles are expected to roll off the production line later this year.
- AK-203 is the latest derivative of the legendary AK-47 rifle
- India has signed a deal with a Russian firm to manufacture 750,000 of these assault rifles which would be given to the Army’s infantry troops
- Apart from this, the Defence Ministry has already signed a contract with American Sig Sauer for the supply of 7.69mm 59 calibre advanced assault rifles.
- There is a possibility that 15 to 20 years down the line, all the forces would be using this assault rifle as their standard weapon.
AK 203 General specifications:
Caliber- 7.62×39.
Action – Gas operated, rotating bolt locking mech.
Length- 880-940mm, 705 (stock folded)
Barrel length- 415mm (16.5inch)
Weight- 4.1KG with empty mag.
Rate of fire- 600 rounds
Magazine capacity- 30 round
Effective Range- 500m with iron sight, 800m with 4X scope.
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