An impressive Passing Out Parade on the occasion of the commissioning of 142 Gentleman Cadets and 30 Lady Cadets of the SSC-107 and SSC (W) – 21 Course was held at the Officers Training Academy, Chennai on 09 March 2019. Further, 16 Gentleman Cadets and 02 Lady Cadets from Friendly Foreign Countries (04 Gentleman Cadets and 02 Lady Cadets from Bhutan, 10 Gentleman Cadets from Afghanistan and 02 Gentleman Cadets from Fiji) also passed out on the occasion.

The Parade was reviewed by Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh, AVSM**, YSM, SM, General Officer Commander–in-Chief (GOC-in-C), Northern Command, who also presented the Sword of Honour and Silver Medal to Academy Under Officer (AUO) Siddhart Bhawnani, the Gold Medal to Academy Cadet Adjutant (ACA) Sandhya and the Bronze Medal to Battalion Under Officer (BUO) Noyonika Binda.
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During his address, the Northern Army Commander complimented the Cadets and Staff of the Officers Training Academy on the excellent standard displayed by all. He exhorted the Cadets of the Passing Out Course to always adhere to the core values of the Indian Army and strive for excellence in all the endeavors to successfully meet the security challenges facing the Nation.