Shehla Rashid shared a fake news tweet saying 15-20 Kashmiri girls are trapped in a hostel in Dehradun because of angry mob. Some media organisations even carried the story based on the tweets, but after verifying the details, the Uttarakhand Police said those were rumours and while there was confusion regarding pro-Pakistan slogans raised by Kashmiri girls, it was sorted. Dehradun: Uttarakhand Police quashed rumours, which were being shared on social media websites, about Kashmiri students being “trapped” inside a hostel in Dehradun. On Saturday evening, the message was circulated on social media which said that about 15-20 Kashmiri girls are “trapped” in a hostel at the Dolphin College in Dehradun with a mob baying for blood outside, in the wake of the terrorist attack in Kashmir’s Pulwama on Thursday in which at least 40 CRPF jawans were killed. The message was widely shared, but the Uttarakhand Police were quick to clear the air.
ADVISORY: Fake news about harassment of students from #Kashmir is being propagated by various miscreants on social media.
CRPF helpline has enquired about complaints about harassment and found them incorrect.
These are attempts to invoke hatred
Please DO NOT circulate such posts— CRPF (@crpfindia) February 17, 2019
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