A student named Basim Hilal of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) from Jammu and Kashmir mocked the dead of CRPF Jawans who lost their lives in a cowardly attack by a terrorist. An FIR has been registered against Basim Hilal, a student of Aligarh Muslim University, for his tweet over yesterday’s Pulwama Attack . He has been booked under section 153A IPC & Section 67A of the IT Act. Hilal has been suspended by the University. ” We’ve come to know of the highly objectionable tweet. Taking immediate cognizance he has been suspended by AMU admn. We won’t let the University be discredited. We’ve zero tolerance. He hails from Kashmir&was a BSc Mathematics student” – Omar Saleem Peerzada, AMU PRO on Basim Hilal.
Aligarh: An FIR has been registered against Basim Hilal, a student of Aligarh Muslim University, for his tweet over yesterday's #PulwamaAttack . He has been booked under section 153A IPC & Section 67A of the IT Act. Hilal has been suspended by the University.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) February 15, 2019
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