Hi everyone, I am Sumit Sangwan from Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. I have been a regular follower of SSBCrack and always dreamt of writing my experience here after getting recommended and when I am writing this I am just a few days away from joining the prestigious Indian Naval Academy. It took me four attempts to get recommended. I was conferenced out in each attempt previously. I feel I was quite an ordinary candidate for SSB with a nontech background (B.Sc Honours Mathematics), no exceptional achievement, no NCC training, civilian background. So I am writing this because I feel there are thousands of aspirants like me who will feel motivated and make it one day.

Day 1: There was a battery test consisting of 80 questions. There were questions on number series, blood relations, rotation, analogy, Word formation, counting letters etc being shown on the board through a projector with each type of questions having different time and had to be encircled on the OMR answer sheet with no extra time. I advise you to be quick, calm and composed. The test’s level is moderate but you have to be quick and keep on concentrating throughout the test. Out of 83, 53 qualified for the second round. Then we were given chest numbers and were taken to a room for PP&DT.
A picture was projected in which 5 persons in suits were sitting around a table with an alcohol bottle placed in front. I made a simple story about the strategy of launching a new product in the market. I memorised my story before other assessors came and gave narration confidently. Everybody wanted to initiate the discussion and there was chaos in the group, I entered the discussion at the right moment and gave logical ideas for the group story. I focused on taking the group in the forwarding direction instead of arguing with others.
After some time results were declared and 6 of us had made it to the stage 2 testing. We were asked to do some formalities and sent back home. After a gap of about 25 days, I had to report FSB Noida for second stage testing and in that period I got conferenced out in Kapurthala once again.
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Our documents were checked once again and I was allotted chest no 38
TAT: I made very simple stories on all the pictures that were shown. So simple that even people were laughing at me for so simple stories. This time I had just penned down whatever was the first thought that came to my mind. In Blank Story, I wrote about my experiences from Volleyball championship in college days.
WAT: I did all the 60 WATs. I focused on making observational sentences.
SRT: I attempted 44 SRTs with detailed solutions. These were my minimum in all these 4 attempts but this time solutions were more detailed.
SD: Before the SD, the assessor had very informally described the importance of SD and what all should be included in your self-description. I wrote a balanced SD including all aspects like strengths, weaknesses, things that I should work on etc.
After the psych test, I was quite satisfied with my performance and thought that it was my best effort.Next Day morning my group came to know that we had no task that day. I enjoyed that day with some very good persons like Paramveer, Aadi, Ashish, Fauji bhai, Shivam etcDay 3 I had my interview in the morning session. I was quite a bit nervous before my interview and had to wait for some hours. I entered the room with wishing the IO who was Deputy President of the board with a very attractive personality. He asked me to just relax and started talking about my hometown and the place where I was living in Delhi.
Then he said to me that for the next 30 minutes we will be talking about your so and so……….. He gave me all the question of the rapid-fire in one go (in previous attempts these 25-30 questions were asked in 3 rounds) Just as he finished I started answering him and tried to answer as many questions as I could remember. He was very patiently looking at me and writing down something on paper while I was answering.
After this, he asked me some GK questions, news events, and current affairs. Luckily, I could answer all these questions except one and told him that I was not able to memorize that at that time but I would surely search it out, he just smiled and said no problem.
He then very sweetly asked, “Do you have any girlfriend ?”
Me: No Sir
IO: (laughingly) Are you afraid of Khap panchayats of Haryana?
Me: No Sir
IO: You are young, very smart looking and a DU graduate any girl would like to date you.
To which I replied me with my own reasons and he looked quite convinced.
He then directly questioned me about the girl I like, what she does, how often do you meet, have you expressed your feelings to her.
While I was being asked these questions I was thinking inside me that why these type of questions are being asked to me. But anyways, I answered him all that very frankly and confidently.
He then asked me about my strengths and weaknesses and after I had answered him he asked me how was my psych test. I told him that I was satisfied with my performance in the psych test.
My interview was now over, he shook hands with me and wished me luck.
In the evening we used to sit together after dinner and kept on cracking jokes, describing weird experiences from past and laughing. Paramveer’s storytelling will always be remembered.
Day 4 GTO
GD was the first task and GTO sir gave us the freedom to choose the topic. I suggested my group mates to choose Indo US relation as our GD topic to which almost all agreed. Everyone had points on the topic, each was giving points, I too gave points back n forth in short intervals at right time.
GPE I wrote the solution within the stipulated time and followed the same strategy here while discussing the solution.
Lecturette: Out of the four topics, I had an idea on all the four. But while I was coming to deliver, I decided to speak on the topic other than that I had prepared for in the last 2-3 minutes. I spoke on the topic for complete 3 minutes and this was the end of the group tasks as there are only Indoor tasks in FSB of Indian Coast Guard.
Day 5 Conference
I was not thinking much about the results that day. When the previous chest no. came out of the conference room I asked my friend chest no 39, to see how much time do they take to call me inside as I had seen in previous attempts that they generally make recommended candidates to wait for 4-6 minutes before calling inside. As the time was passing I was getting the feeling that there are my chances. After 5 minutes I was called inside.
I entered the room with a smile. All officers sitting in whites
Deputy President: Sumit you are looking cheerful today. What’s the reason?
Me: I am going to get recommended today.
(Everyone in the room started laughing)
Than deputy president asked me to rate my performance and arrange the testing technique in which you did your best and the one in which you couldn’t much.
He then asked me to memorise the questions that I couldn’t and few more questions like what all did I do in last one year, any advice.
I left the room with a feeling that it should be a big yes this time.
After a wait of about two hours results officer came with results and after a short motivational speech started announcing results. I couldn’t believe my ears when chest no 38 was announced, I was on cloud nine. That feeling cannot be described in words, that can be just felt. 7 of us were recommended. I was a bit sad for my friends who couldn’t make it that time but I am sure they will make it in the later attempts.
After medicals at AFCME, I was declared medically fit for joining the force. I couldn’t clear CPSS due to which I had to wait for Select List II as they give first preference to the ones who had applied for General duty. Now I am all set to join INA in a few days.
All the very best to future aspirants
Jai Hind
IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
- Current Affairs for All
Defence Exams and Interview Books:
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview
- Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests
- Let’s Crack AFCAT – Air Force Common Admission Test
- Let’s Crack NDA Exam
- Let’s Crack CDS Exam
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After reading your story I became motivated that even I can get recommended soon.Can you tell me that how did you apply for coast guard so that it becomes easier for me and will you give me advice for this interview..please reply dear