Officers Training Academy’s Gaya 14th Pass Out Parade ceremony held on 08 December 2018. With this, 165 cadets joined the Indian Army as an officer. In the pass-out parade, 168 cadets including three Bhutani took part. On this occasion, 165 cadets of the Indian army took the pledge to keep the unity and integrity of the country intact. During the OTA Gaya passing out parade, the Chief of Bhutan Army took salute and inspected all the cadets in the main parade.
Passing Out Parade of #OTA, Gaya was held today for Autumn Term 2018. Technical Entry Scheme – 32 and Special Commissioned Officer’s -41 course passed out. Lt Gen Batoo Tshering, Chief Operations Officer of the #Royal #Bhutan #Army was the reviewing officer and chief guest.
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