UPSC has published the NDA 2 2018 result and around 6930 candidates have cleared the NDA exam, these candidates are going to face the NDA SSB interview soon. For candidates who have cleared the written exam and now waiting for the NDA SSB interview but not aware of the procedure, do not worry, in this article we are going to explain the next step you need to follow after clearing the NDA exam. The SSB interview dates for NDA 142 and NA 104 course will be allotted online very soon. Candidates get the chance to select their own SSB dates for the NDA SSB interview, this makes it easier for aspirants to attend the SSB interview without fail. Below you can find more details on NDA SSB interview and how to prepare for it.
Defence Exams and Interview Books:
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview
- Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests
- Let’s Crack AFCAT – Air Force Common Admission Test
- Let’s Crack NDA Exam
- Let’s Crack CDS Exam
NDA 2 2018 SSB Interview Date Updates
- SSB interview of NDA – 142 and NA – 104. Candidates of NDA-142 and NA-104 Course are not required to carry their UPSC admit card/application at the time of SSB interview. They are required to carry identity proof with requisite documents mentioned in the call-up instructions of the SSB center. Their credentials will be checked against details received from UPSC.
- SSB Dates NDA-142 & NA-104.ssb centres/ dates will be allotted online, on or before 19 December 2018
- Registration NDA-142 & NA-104. Candidates successful in the UPSC written exam are requested to register on joinindianarmy website, if not already registered (including those with Navy, Naval Academy or Air Force as First Preference)
- SSB Dates NDA-142 & NA-104. SSB Centres/dates will be allotted online,
on or before 17 Dec 18. - SSB Date Selection (All Entries): There are no absentee batches for any entry. Candidates are advised to select their dates with due diligence.
- Candidates must make a profile with correct details on joinindianarmy website and then wait for the NDA 2 2018 ssb date selection to go live.
- Candidates can select the desired NDA SSB interview date out of given dates, but make sure you check other things like reservation and booking and your own convenience before selecting a date.
- Make sure, while registering you use the same email id as used in UPSC portal while registering for NDA exam.
- In case of any doubt, contact the official website joinindianarmy and [email protected]
NDA 2 2018 Dates
S.No. | Event | Dates |
1 | NDA 2 2018 Written exam | 9th Sep 2018 |
2 | NDA 2 2018 Result | 30th Nov 2018 |
3 | NDA 2 2018 SSB dates allotment | 17 Dec 2018 |
4 | NDA 2 2018 Merit | June 2019 |
NDA Result Analysis
- 6931 candidates cleared the NDA 2 2018 written exam
- 8200+ candidates cleared the NDA 1 2018 written exam
- 379 candidates cleared the NDA 1 2018 SSB interview
- 6500+ candidates cleared NDA 2 2017 written exam
- 447 candidates cleared NDA 2 2017 SSB interview
- 8010 candidates cleared NDA 1 2017 written exam
- 371 candidates cleared NDA 1 2017 SSB interview

Exam | Highest NDA exam marks
of recommended candidate |
Lowest NDA exam marks
of recommended candidate |
NDA 2 2017 | 506 out of 900 | 258 out of 900 |
NDA 1 2017 | 563 out of 900 | 342 out of 900 |
Exam | Highest SSB Interview marks
of recommended candidate |
Lowest SSB Interview marks
of recommended candidate |
NDA 2 2017 | 503 out of 900 | 360 out of 900 |
NDA 1 2017 | 506 out of 900 | 361 out of 900 |
What to do after NDA 2 2018 Result
- Feel good and confident about yourself for clearing an exam like NDA 2 2018. Do not waste time and start preparing for your SSB interview by looking for a coaching academy and just start by buying an SSB interview book to get the understanding of complete SSB interview. You can read tips and stories on SSBCrack, you can reach recommended candidates, you can join our Instagram for day to day SSB interview practice and motivation.
- Keep yourself with good company, keep your thinking positive and make every day productive. Try to learn about 15 OLQs and inculcate them in your life, even if you don’t have them, you can fake them and act like you have them, you fake it till it becomes your habit.
- You can not clear SSB interview by luck or without preparation, if someone has told you that you can crack SSB interview without preparation, they are fooling you or they might be from those lucky 0.001% candidates who do that.
NDA 2 2018 Vacancies
- National Defence Academy: 339 (208 for Army, 39 for Navy and 92 for Air Force)
- Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) : 44
- Vacancies are provisional and may be changed depending on the availability of training capacity of National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy.
- Admission to the above courses will be made on the results of the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination.
NDA SSB Interview Procedure
- The two-stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test has been introduced at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. All the candidates will be put to the stage-one test on the first day of reporting at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Only those candidates who qualify at stage one will be admitted to the second stage/remaining tests.
- Those candidates who qualify stage II will be required to submit the Original Certificates along with one photocopy each of : (i) Original Matriculation pass certificate or equivalent in support of date of birth, (ii) Original 10+2 pass certificate or equivalent in support of educational qualification.
- Candidates who appear before the Services Selection Board and undergo the test there, will do so at their own risk and will not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from Government in respect of any injury which they may sustain in the course of or as a result of any of the tests given to them by the Services Selection Board whether due to the negligence of any person or otherwise. Parents or guardians of the candidates will be required to sign a certificate to this effect.
- To be acceptable, candidates for the Army/Navy/Naval Academy and Air Force should secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in (i) Written examination as fixed by the Commission at their discretion and (ii) Officer Potentiality Test as fixed by the Services Selection Board at their discretion. Over and above candidates for the Air Force, and all the SSB qualified candidates as per their willingness, eligibility, and preference for Air Force, should separately qualify the PABT/CPSS.
What to do after NDA 2 2018 results?
Successful candidates are requested to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website join Indian within two weeks of the announcement of written result. The successful candidates would then be allotted Selection Centres and dates, of SSB interview which shall be communicated on registered e-mail ID. Any candidate who has already registered earlier on the site will not be required to do so. In case of any query/Login problem, e-mail is forwarded to [email protected].”
How should I prepare for NDA 2 2018 SSB interview?
- Irrespective of the entry, SSB interview procedure is same for all. If you are applying for the other entries like TES and UES, this is the right time for you to prepare for the SSB interview.
- The written exam is cleared by many aspirants, but the whole point is clearing the SSB interview with better performance and make it in the final merit list to join the NDA.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]
- SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]
- Let’s Crack NDA Exam – Book
- OIR Test [eBook]
- Current Affairs [eBook]
- Defence Current Affairs [eBook]

IMPORTANT – Download eBooks for SSB Interview Preparations
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
- Current Affairs for All
Defence Exams and Interview Books:
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview
- Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests
- Let’s Crack AFCAT – Air Force Common Admission Test
- Let’s Crack NDA Exam
- Let’s Crack CDS Exam
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