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Indian ArmyBhartiIndian Army JCO Recruitment For Religious Teacher 2018

Indian Army JCO Recruitment For Religious Teacher 2018

Applications are invited from eligible male candidates for recruitment of Religious Teachers in Indian Army as Junior Commissioned Officers for RRT 87 & 88 courses. Religious Teachers preach religious scriptures to troops and conduct various rituals at Regimental/Unit religious institutions. Their duties also include attending funerals, ministering to the sick in hospitals, reading prayers with the convalescents, visiting soldiers undergoing sentence, giving special religious instructions to the children and enlisted boys besides attending generally to the religious institutions and welfare of the Officers, Soldiers and their families.

Indian Army Religious Teacher

Eligibility:  All the Eligibility Criteria will be common for In-Service and Direct Entry Candidates.
(a) Age Limit: The age bracket in respect of Civilian and In-Service Candidates would not below 25 years of age and not above 34 years of age on 01 Oct 2019 (i.e. Candidates born between 01 Oct 1985 and 30 Sep 1994 inclusive of both dates) of the Rtg year.

Educational Qualification: The candidate must possess following qualification according to the religious denomination of the individual

  • Pandit and Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiment. Hindu candidates with Acharya in Sanskrit or Shastri in Sanskrit with one-year diploma in „Karam Kand‟. 
  • Granthi  Sikh candidates with „Gyani‟ in Punjabi.
  • Maulvi and Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts. Muslim candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic or Adib Alim in Urdu.
  • Padre Christian candidates who have been ordained priesthood by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and is still on the approved list of the local Bishop.
  • Bodh Monk (Mahayana). Buddhist (Mahayana) candidates who have been ordained Monk/Buddhist Priest, by the Appropriate Authority. The term Appropriate Authority will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into priesthood. The head priest should be in possession of Geshe (PhD) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper certificate from Monastery.

Note:- The above mandatory education qualifications should be acquired by individuals from recognized universities. All the above eligibility criteria are common for In-service and Direct Entry candidates.INDIAN ARMY JCO RECRUITMENT 2018

Medical Standard:
(a) A candidate should have robust physique and mental health, chest should be well developed having minimum 5 cm expansion, should have normal hearing with each ear, should have sufficient number of natural teeth, i.e. 14 dental points with healthy gums. Candidate should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele, varicose veins or piles.
(b) Serving combatants on Remusteration candidates must be in medical category SHAPE-1. Remusteration candidates will be exempted from recruiting medical examination at the time of recruiting rally. A certificate indicating medical category duly signed by Army Medical Authority where individual is serving and countersigned by the Commanding Officer of the unit will be submitted by the candidate.

Physical Standard and Fitness Test:Indian Army Religious Teacher Fitness Test

Screening: Candidates found eligible will be issued with Admit Card for initial screening which will include checking of original certificate, physical fitness test followed by medical examination at respective Headquarters Recruiting Zone/Regimental Centres concerned.

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Written Examination, Interview and Terms of Enrolment: Screened candidates will be put through written examination which will be conducted on 24 Feb 2019. The written examination will contain objective type of questions and comprise of two papers as followsIndian Army Religious Teacher Paper

How to Apply: The recruitment will be carried out through all the Headquarters Recruiting Zones, Independent Recruiting Office (Delhi Cantt), GRD Kunraghat, Ladakh Scouts Regt Centre (Leh).Indian Army Religious Teacher Apply

Submission of Application by Service Candidates: Applications will only be accepted through official channel (detailed instructions are in „INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVING SOLDIER‟).

Read official notification


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