My Nana used to say “BINA PARISHRAM YASH KAHA” motto of his Regiment (Army). When you want it like oxygen that’s when you get it. After I got continuously conference out in my first 6 attempts at SSB, I thought there is something very wrong with me that is why they are not recommending me for Army. My mentor told me three lines when I asked him to guide me.
- Gentleman, I will not tell you any trick to fool the organization.
- Come to me, I will put you through certain listicles.
- On D-day He said, Gentleman, I didn’t find any reason to not recommend you.
That’s when I got my energy and all hope back.
Hello Leaders, I am Anand Mohan Singh from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. I come from an army background, my maternal grandfather was as an officer and Uncle is a serving JCO, My father is a constable in UPP, did my schooling from Varanasi, three years in NCC(ParaJumper,Delegation leader at abroad) and pursuing MCA from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. My motivation is my uncle and his 14 Rajput Regiment line infantry of Indian Army for joining armed forces. Now my journey to SSB goes like
- 04 to 08 March 2013 (NDA),
- 07 to 11 January 2017 (NCC SPL entry-41)
- 06 to 10 May 2017 (NCC SPL entry-42)
- 02 to 06 August 2017 (CDS IMA-144)
- 19 to 23 December 2017 (NCC SPL entry-43)
- 04 to 08 March 2018 (CDS IMA-145)
Every time I tasted failure. But I didn’t lose hope and kept on putting efforts to chase my dream.
I selected date for SSB 15 June 2018 for NCC SPL entry-44 at Allahabad and 15 July 2018 for CDS (IMA-146). Now I had two opportunities in a row, I skipped classes and began sharpening my arrows to hit the Dragon’s eye.
15 June 2018(Reporting and Screening) At around 0600 hours I reported at MCO Allahabad and others candidates too were there already, reached SCE Allahabad by Bus around 0630hrs.we all were called for Documentation, around 125 candidates reported, were allotted 11SSB.
The same process, OIR test was administered by a JCO. It went well I did all the questions. Part II of screening- PPDT, our Psychologist entered the hall from the back; He began the show after briefing us. A picture was shown, it was a car surrounded by the group of people. I wrote about a rescue story comparing with latest happening in news about over bridge collapse in Varanasi (UP).
Now the narration part, my chest number was 96 and middle in group, I narrated the story well, in the group discussion -our group was divided into two subgroups, the other group was given first chance to discuss meanwhile our group began talking through eyes. Now our turn, we didn’t waste time we copied certain points from other group and eventually a common story was constructed within time. We all moved to the shed where our belongings were kept, we waited for half an hour then we were called for results. We were again seated in the same fashion, and then Duty GTO came with the result. Chest numbers were called out in random order, I was eager to hear 96 and I had no plan to return home. But patience is the key the number 96 pierced the thick air and reached my ears. I joined the line and I had 11 on my chest. Only 20 out of 125 retained on day one. We picked our luggage and occupied the beds.
16th June (Psychological test) – We reported at the same auditorium early morning after breakfast. I had a heavy breakfast and was excited about my Psychological test. I wrote all TAT, 60 WAT, 48 SRTs. Self Description I completed within time as I had already prepared it well in advance.
P.S. TAT Please Make stories related your PIQ and SD try to tell psychologist about your life and your achievements through stories.
Coming to WAT – write first thought whatever comes to your mind, here also no negative no positive
For e.g. – BEAT – I wrote:” France beat Croatia in FIFA 2018”.
FASHION-” Fashion is an instant language”.
SRTs- write using commas conclude it. Repeaters should attempt at least 45.
For e.g.” He often found most of government officials are corrupt, He” – I wrote – searched records and data, found less salary was the reason. “.
Self Description – prepare your PIQ, SD and Daily routine in advance and there should be an alignment.
While returning back to the dome I saw my best friend Vivek Yadav came running to collect his luggage from the shed, He was recommended that day from 34 SSB for NCC SPL-44 and I was the first to hear that good news, It worked as a motivation.
17th June (GTO Day 1) – PT dress, all white except strategies in mind. We clicked pictures and Chest No. 20 (Suyash Malviya, recommended with me) gave his blessings and predicted my sure recommendation this time. GTO comprises of 9 tests. First the Group Discussion, I submitted relevant points mixed of facts and opinion, and tried to build relation among the three leads which we were provided that how one leads to another. After GD, Group Planning Exercise was administered; I gave valuable points and helped a group to solve all problems within time and I was nominated to give common group solution. PGT, HGT – I took the group out where it got stuck with my ideas and supported others ideas also, During PGT and HGT GTO told me Chest no. 11 go back to start line and don’t give any idea, when my group stuck I stated giving idea GTO again told me to not give an idea. In lecturette, my topic was Indo -Bangladesh relations.
18th June (GTO day 2) – I completed 10 individual obstacles, and now the litmus test of GTO came to the Command Task as it reflects your performance in GTO. I was third to be called by GTO Sir, we shook hands then he asked me about Varanasi, the place I am coming from, what I was doing at present, about education, where I was staying, number of attempts, why I wanted to join armed forces, how I prepared myself this time. I answered all the questions. He took me to the task; I was to complete it to the finish line and with the help of two subordinates. There was three ways to go; GTO told me to complete the task from all three ways. I did it successfully in no time.
After it, I was pretty sure that I had been recommended by GTO. In Final Group Task, I gave idea and finished task, GTO again sent me back and told me to not give any idea, I followed his instructions.

Coming to my group members, you all have been very helpful, you guys encouraged me, motivated me and I hope to see you conquering your goals.
INTERVIEW – I had my interview on the GTO 1 day just after lunch, I quickly rushed to the candidates line, changed into formals. The interview was to be taken by President 11 SSB; I waited in the Waiting room then Chest No. 11 appeared in the LED display with a sound. I entered the room smiling, I was asked to sit then Prez was looking angry, said “bloody Banarasi” this is your 7th attempt tell me in detail covering psych, GTO and Interview what went wrong in previous attempts from NDA 2013, He kept on scolding me for first half an hour of interview but I remained clamed and composed and firm while answering. He asked me about my life after graduation from Jul 2016 to till date, cover month wise, He asked me about my hobbies, daily routine, pocket money, friends, family, Current Affairs , reading habit, academics, sports, and why I want to join the army, and how I prepared this time, strength, weakness, what I fear the most, what are my other plans besides Army? I answer all the questions. The interview went around 1 hour 30 Minutes approximately. At Last President said all the best for GTO and Conference, hope you will get recommended this time. I smiled and said Thank You Sir; Last Time President 14 SSB said same. President laughed and said “Gentleman, This time I will make sure that you get through”.
19th June 2018 (Conference Day) – All items packed, locked, and placed in the shed. Conference began; chest number 01 was called first then next. Three candidates were supposed to wait on chairs and the forth one was supposed to be questioned in the conference room. When 10 was in the conference room, I was waiting for my turn them he left the room, now I was being discusses inside the room, I began counting on my finger tips and waited for 10 minutes. My number flashed on the LED screen with sound , I entered the room,I wished President with smile and was asked to occupy seat the first question was “The place I visited?” second question ” How was food and any suggestion?” I answered as a gentleman “Everything is improving under your supervision”. President said, Ok Anand Mohan wish you all the best “God bless you my Son” with a smile.
When conference of 20 candidates over we were called for the last time to sit in Chanakya Hall. Duty NCO told us to remain quiet and informed us that result would be announced very soon by one the officers. We all were looking at the gate, and Technical Officer appeared with a clip board, the A4 sheet on it holding names and chest numbers of recommended candidates. He said that Gentleman we have recommended three idiots and they are Chest No. 20,then That moment came for which I waited since last 7 years, he called chest no. 11 …….I shouted my name, roll number and then I didn’t control my tears, Officer told me “Congratulations gentleman”, Chest number 4 also made it. Best part is that we three belong to Varanasi and became famous in Allahabad board with same tag.
We all lined up, TO sir, Duty NCO and our friends congratulated us. We were given two minutes to call our parents and to take luggage back to candidates’ line. We all sped to shed, took mobile phones out of beg, I called my mother and gave the good news.
PS: Failure is best motivation, don’t give up. Just remember “it’s you who gonna make it happen”.
Now On 14 July 2018,I reported to MCO Allahabad for CDS (IMA-146) SSB Interview. Total 46 reported, 05 were sent back in documentation. We were left 41 and again allotted 11 SSB Allahabad, I was happy and worried too because I was recommended from same board one month back then They will expect much more.
15 July 2018 Next day in the morning our screening process started with the OIR, which was again a simple task. This was followed by PP&DT. It was simple as last time as I was with the Freshers this time and everyone discussed well and I spoke twice. I was really nervous and the thought of getting screened out just after being recommended was making me really anxious. After a wait of around 1 hour we were called back in and the result was announced. Total 17 candidates got in and I was given Chest no. 9.
16 July 2018 (Psychological test). We woke up early and reached the testing hall around 0645hrs. The testing started and I found out that somehow I was more nervous than last time because I believed that everybody would now expect more of me as I am previously recommended but I didn’t let this hamper my performance. Getting recommended before helped me a lot here as I knew the benchmark I had to achieve to make the cut and I worked for the same. All the psych tests went well.
17 July 2018 (GTO-1) In the morning I was told that this day I was going to have my interview as well just after the GTO. I was not feeling really well and the extra burden of the interview pulled me down. I could do satisfactorily well in the GTO tasks but had little left in me for the interview. It was quite an interview; I was grilled so hard that after that I had lost all my confidence. There were all questions pertaining to GK like SCO,South China Sea,SAARC,ASEAN,Blue economy, India plan to tackle string of pearls,Assumption Island, full forms SIMI,SIM,GPS,IRNSS,INSAS.then Maths calculations. That I couldn’t answer completely, Then He asked me about all topics of lecturette and told me to give 10 points on each. He then asked me 10 reasons why I want to join Army. At last Interviewing Officer (Additional IO) told me that “I don’t feel that this time you will get recommended”. I smiled and said ,“Sir, I have trust that board will do justice with me on basis of my performance”. After that I thought “Hero banke dialogue to maar diya aage kya hoga kalia” but his last comment made me bit upset.
18 July 2018 (GTO-2). Litmus test of GTO. We were left with Individual obstacles, Command task and FGT. Command task was again interesting. I was given one of the hardest tasks but I could manage to do it, This was one of the different which I have ever seen in my life, GTO gave me time pressure by asking math calculations like 25+19,87+23,12+23,…..etc escape velocity,newton second law, GTO asked me three solutions from same structure. I was satisfied with my performance of the day.
19 July 2018 Now came D-Day. This time I was not much hope for the recommendation but I was really happy that I enjoyed and made good friends. When I entered the conference hall I wished the president, He asked me normal questions like stay and fooding and I said same as said in last. Then turn of the results came. We were seated in a Chanakya hall and soon a Psychologist entered the room which was followed by a motivational speech. After which he started calling out the chest number in the random sequence and said Chest Number 12…,4…, 16… and the last number he called was chest number 9. I was very happy but this time the feeling didn’t take a lot of time to sink in. We were all very happy and in total 4 of us had got recommended out of 17, and three from same GTO group.
At the end I wish all the best to readers, as I am also a daily reader of SSB Crack, It motivated me a lot.

Best SSB Book –> Let’s Crack SSB Interview
Best Psych Book –> Breaking The Code of SSB Psych
Best AFCAT Book –> Let’s Crack AFCAT
Best NDA Book –> Let’s Crack NDA
Best CDS Book –> Let’s Crack CDS
Best EKT Book -> Let’s Crack EKT
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TAT eBook | SRT eBook |
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