AFCAT 2 2018 2nd phase was conducted online on 19th August 2018 along with the EKT exam for technical branch aspirants. AFCAT 2 2018 was conducted by the CDAC online at different online examination centre in two shifts. Shift 1 from 8:00 AM and Shift 2 from 13:00 PM on 18th August 2018 and Shift 1 from 8:00 AM on 19th August 2018, candidates from the 1 shift and 2 shift faced a different questions papers. Like always, SSBCrack has collected and published the AFCAT 2 2018 original questions from defence aspirants who have attempted the AFCAT 2 2018 exam on 19th August 2018 along with EKT 2 2018 question paper. You can find the AFCAT 2 2018 questions and answers from Shift-1 19 Aug 2018 below.
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We are still updating the questions from AFCAT 2 2018 19th August 2018. We request all the aspirants to share the questions they have faced in AFCAT 2 2018 on 19th August 2018.
AFCAT 2 2018 Questions and Answer 19th Aug
- President of IMF
- Where was the first congress meeting held ?
- autobiography of sachin Tendulkar
- 1st test cricket century for india
- Wisden award indian cricket player of 20th century,
- Eastern point of india
- Largest coal mine in india
- First State to declare hindi as official state language
- Bullfight national game of which country
- What is ins kadamba
- inventor of typewriter
- under which p.m india conducted nuclear test in1998
- eastern most point of our country
- youngest mountain range
- in which dynasty konark and sun temple were made
- Players of which sport are called as ‘cagers’
- Sergey bubka record in 35 times in which..
- Pristina is capital of…
- Study of atmosphere climate monsoon?
- who converted kanishka to Buddhism
- Mir bakshi in Akbar’s kingdom looked after which activity?
- In which layer temperature increases with altitude?- Stratosphere
- Farthest east point of India?
- Rial is the capital of which country
Idiom & phrases
- take a rain check
- fortuitous
- prevaricate
- Momentous
- Aver
- 5 dogs eat 5 biscuits in 5 minutes than in how much time will 10 dog eat 10 biscuits in how much time
- over all average of innings is 54 when the duck innings also included the average increase by 3 . if 186 runs of innings not included then tell no. of duck innings
- If the speed has to be increased by 10% on certain distance by how much % time be decreased by?
- Printing costs 10%, managing costs 20% ,labour costs 15%, and other than these Rs.110 for other costs. Find the Cost of the product.
- Two things sold at same price. On first he gain 10% but overall get a loss of 12%. Find the approximate loss/profit % on other
- Amount becomes 8 times in 3 years compounded annually. Find Rate.
- Amount 5000 becomes 5671 in 2 years, compounded annually. Find approximate Rate of interest.
Odd one out
- Pituitary:brain::thymus:?
Venn Diagram
- doctors, married people, people with beard
- book, novel, pen

Also Read
- AFCAT 2 2018 Cut off Marks Expected
- AFCAT 2 2018 Questions and Answers
- AFCAT 2 2018 Official Cut Off Marks
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