Indian Army’s official career website has published the cut off marks for TGC 128 entry for all the eligible branches, candidates who are meeting the TGC 128 cut off marks will be able to attend the SSB interview for TGC 128 – Technical Graduate Course 2018
TGC 128 Vacancies and Cut off – Technical Graduate Course 2018. Applications are invited from unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 128th Technical Graduates Course (commencing in Jan 2019 at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun) for permanent commission in the Indian Army.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]
- SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]
TGC 128 SSB interview Procedure
- All the shortlisted candidates are required to select the TGC 128 SSB interview date.
- The TGC 128 allotment centre list will be published by join indian army website and same can be checked after login to your account.
- Once the date is selected, candidates are required to report on the same day.
- TGC 128 call letter will be email and SMS notification will be send.
- In case you do not get the call letter, you can download the TGC common call letter from the official website
TGC 128 Cut Off Marks
- As always, Mechanical has the highest cut off marks i.e. 75%
- Lowest cut off for many branches is 60%
- Total notified TGC 128 vacancies are 40.
Engineering Streams | Vac | Cut Off |
Civil | 10 | 60% |
Architecture | 1 | 60% |
Mechanical | 4 | 75% |
Electrical/Electrical & Electronics | 5 | 67% |
Computer Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech/M.Sc (Computer Sc) | 6 | 66% |
Electronics & Telecommunication/Telecommunication/Electronics & Communication/ Satellite Communication | 7 | 67% |
Electronics | 2 | 60% |
Metallurgical | 2 | 60% |
Electronics & Instrumentation/Instrumentation | 2 | 60% |
Micro Electronics & Microwave | 1 | 70% |
Helpful eBook for SSB Interview
Preparation Books for Technical Graduate Course 128: Shortlisted candidates will face the SSB interview directly, if you are sure about clearing the final cut off marks of TGC 128, you can straight away prepare for the SSB interview.
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]
- SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]
- OIR Test [eBook]
- Current Affairs [eBook]
- Defence Current Affairs [eBook]
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