Hello Folks!! I am Vishal Kumar Chauhan recently got recommended in my third attempt from 19 SSB Allahabad with AIR 13.
The journey started on 6th March 2018 when I reached SSB center and we total of 60 guys were allotted 19 SSB.
7th March: The Screening Day
I answered almost all the questions in OIR test. In Picture Perception test, the picture showed a malnourished old aged person standing in front of a slum area. I made a practical story and wrote well in time, narrated the story fluently and confidently without any pause.
After 2-3 hours of waiting, the results were declared and total 30 candidates were screened in.
For screening part, I would like to tell that narration matters a lot. Be fluent while narrating. It has a good impact on assessors.
8th March: Psychology Test
I wrote all TAT stories, attempted all 60 WAT, 60 SRT and completed SDT well before time.
For psychology part, i would like to mention that try to connect most of what you write with your PIQ.
9th March: GTO Day 1
Well. GTO gets a lot more easy when the group is good, when you have a descent knowledge and moreover you are good at communication skills. With all these, I managed to perform satisfactorily in both GD’s and GPE. Now comes that fatta balli task. I gave some ideas, motivated group members and kept myself engaged within the group.

Evening:The Interview
Waited for 45 minutes before my interview. I went inside the room, greeted the IO, had a firm hand shake with him and sat down. Got a nice compliment from IO within few minutes of the interview. He said, ” Vishal. In my entire career, I have not seen any candidate whose educational graph from Class 10th to Graduation has gone up and that too by this good level.” I was literally blushing and thanked him for the compliment. He asked me how I managed to do so. I answered with a witty smile -” Hardwork, sir “. Then the interview went for around 45-50 minutes and revolved around PIQ and my life only except for some general knowledge questions which most of them i wasn’t able to answer. Interview was over and I had very mix type of feelings.
For ithe nterview, remain calm as much as possible and smile as it reflects confidence.
PS.- I had 79.8% in my 10th, 87% in 12th and 87.19% in B. Tech (CSE).
Current Affairs eBooks
10th March: GTO Day 2
We all were made to run atleast 2 km in the name of warm up and all were cursing the staff. GTO started the day with Command Task. I was called by 2 group members and was given a very simple task which i completed in less than 3 minutes. After that we had Individual Obstacles and I managed to complete 12 obstacles. The day ended with FGT.
11th March: D Day “Conference”
All dressed well and ready for conference. I was expecting some SRT’s during my conference but it went for 3 minutes and i was asked those repetitive questions about stay, food, rate the performance.
We all were sitting and eagerly waiting for the results when the officer came and started announcing results. Chest no. 3, Chest No. 7 and then he said Chest No. 14, that’s me, I said . We stood in the front and the officer told – that’s it guys and he left the hall. Two freshers and I was the only repeater who were recommended. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and within few seconds i burst into tears. I ran out and called my Mom and my best friend Himanshu Joshi.
Medicals :
We underwent medicals for 8 days. I got three TR’s. One got cleared in Appeal Medical Board but two still are pending. Hoping for best in RMB but already prepared for worst i.e. Medical Out.
We really can’t do much in medicals. Somewhere there is luck which plays a damn good role. We need both the recommendations – SSB as well as Medical to get into the dream academy.
For me, medical is still a great challenge ahead. But will continue my journey to become an officer someday or the another if not this time and if not being given PR.
All the best Future Warriors. Make yourself proud!!
Bharat Mata ki Jai 🙂
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