It’s been always my dream to motivate people through my success story and fortunately with the grace of God, here I am writing my story for all defence aspirants. Hello guys, my name is ANKUSH SINGH TOMAR and My story contains two important phases of my life. The 1st phase started when I was in my 12th class and I decided to make my future with Indian defence services so I took two exams of INDIAN AIR FORCE called Group-X and Group-Y. I cleared both of them and got my joining letter after some time. That was the very crucial time of my life. I had two choices —— 1st —- join X or Y Group and the ——-2nd —– continue my studies.
Someone has rightly said that ” sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move ”
Well, I made that insane move and decided neither to join X group nor Y. I continued my studies. Almost Everyone told me to join X group or Y Group for a safe future but I had something special for myself, for my family and for my parents in my relentless mind.
The second phase of my life started in Feb – 2017 when I decided to write CDS exam for the first time and cleared it. I was allotted selection center east, Allahabad for my SSB. it was my first encounter with the SSB and unfortunately, I was conference out.
Well it was a very big defeat but I was not really worried about it coz I always believe that your first step towards success can be your biggest defeat. So don’t worry, rise and learn from your defeat it can be your life changing the experience. I also learned a lot from it and again in Nov 2017, I took CDS 2 and cleared it also. The SSB venue was same (Allahabad) and my dates were 7-11 March. So my dream run started on 5th of March when I set off from my home after taking blessings of my mother.
I reached Allahabad on 6th March and reported at MCO. From there we all (about 140 students) were taken to the selection center with our luggage loaded on a truck.
After we reached there we were divided into two groups of 70 students each and our group was allotted 11 SSB board, the same I got last time.
We were given chest nos according to fresher and Repeater and after a brief documents check, we came back to our board.
The next day was the screening test. We all were escorted to Capt. Vikram Batra hall, where the OIR test was conducted. Very simple test and almost everyone does wonders in it, So no need to talk much about it.
A hazy picture of a man standing in water was shown to us and I managed to make a simple and positive story.
Then we were divided in the groups of 15 – 15 and made to sit and discuss. After a healthy discussion for 20 minutes, our group came up with a common story, which was not my story ( but you don’t need to worry about it that your story must be the group story, just participate in the GD and narrate your story properly it’s enough).
In the afternoon our result was announced. 26 out of 70 made it to the next stage and I was 25th, the second last. In the evening we filled our PIQ form and came back to our board.
My group had 10 students, the 10 repeaters, the most unexpected and very hard to understand creatures in the history of SSB including me.
The next day was our psychology test, a series of tests like TAT, WAT, SRT and SD. Well, I’d like to give you some advice about it, try to write simple and genuine stories based on real and actual problems. Just find a need in the picture, put yourself in and solve it. Again Don’t spend your time in describing the problem, spend it in solving the problem.
How do you solve the problem? That matters nothing else.
My test was good. I wrote good stories in TAT, 60 sentences in WAT, 40 SRT and my SD .
The next day was our GTO. The GTO started with group discussion on two topics 20 mins each. I spoke 3- 4 times on the first topic and 3-4 times on the second. So I participated in the GD and gave some ideas on the topic.
Well in GD, DON’T counter anyone, just give your ideas and put a smile on your face while listening to others …
The next test was GPE and in this test also I was able to solve all the problems in the best ways possible. My solution was also the group solution.
The 3rd test was PGT and in this test the repeaters showed their true colours. Nobody was listening to anybody. everyone was busy in giving their own solutions. But amid all this chaos, I was silently giving my solutions. I request you too that if you have an idea in PGT, just give it and help others. One more thing, if you find someone giving too many ideas and acting like a group leader, make him busy by giving him a plank, rope or load and lead the group yourself.
The 4th test was HGT, same as PGT. Your group will be half this time so make sure you perform well in this test …
The fifth and sixth test check your physical stamina, they are GOR and INDIVIDUAL OBSTACLES. Well, I did 13 individual obstacles and also performed well in the GOR.
The next day was our GTO-2 and it started with lecturette. My topic was Indo-China relations and believe me I just nailed it.
After lecturette, it was the time for the most important test of the entire GTO series THE COMMAND TASK.
I solved my command task within time and later on my subordinates ( both got the recommendation with me ) told me that the level of difficulties was high as compared to others. So I was happy to perform well in this too.
The last task was FGT and I gave some ideas about this too. So the entire GTO series was a success for me.
On the same day, just after the GTO, I was called for my interview. I was in the same GTO dress. My interview went for almost an hour and the IO asked me everything about my education, family, friends, my weakness, strength, my hobbies, participation in social activities, History of my hometown and also hthe istory of Allahabad. He also asked me some gk questions like a full form of PNR & SIM, some questions about cricket as it was my hobby. I gave answers to almost every question. After my interview, I was pretty sure about my selection.
The next and the final day was our conference day and to be honest I was really nervous. My conference went for 2-3 mins and I was asked some general questions by the president like the quality of food and any suggestions to improve anything etc …
After our conference, we were made to sit in a hall and after some time, one Officer with our result came in. He immediately started calling the chest numbers of the recommended candidates. The first one was chest no 25, which was mine. After hearing those magical words I was in a pleasant shock and it took me 15 mins to recover from that condition. That situation is hard to explain. I never felt like that before. With tears in my eyes, I was thanking God, remembering my parents and saying to myself ” yes !!! I’ve done it and it’s not a dream ”
So this is my story. I’d like to tell you that if you fail, Don’t stop…. be focused on your aim ……. Sacrifice your comforts coz without Sacrifice there can be no victory. In the end BEST OF LUCK TO ALL FUTURE OFFICERS OF INDIA. You guys are special coz you’ve chosen INDIAN Defence services and one day you will definitely make your country proud.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]